BOE and CSOT to roll out over 10 million TV panels each in 2012


China-based BOE Technology is expected to roll out 11 million TV panels in 2012, while fellow company Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT) will produce 10 million units during the same period, according to an estimate by industry sources in Taiwan.

Production of BOE's 6G plant in Hefei, China, which has a capacity of 90,000 units a month, reached its full capacity in the second quarter of 2011, while the company's 8.5G plant in Beijing rolled out 15,000 glass substrates in October, the sources indicated.

BOE is expected to ramp up the substrate output at its 8.5G plant to 30,000 units by year-end 2011 and to 90,000 units by the end of the second quarter of 2012, estimated the sources, adding that the combined output of glass substrates of BOE's 6G and 8.5G plants will enable the company to roll out 11 million TV panels in 2012.

CSOT is expected to ramp up the output of glass substrates at its 8.5G plant to 18,000 units in December 2011 and further to 120,000 units by the fourth quarter of 2012. CSOT will focus on the production TV panels with display sizes ranging from 26- to 55-inch for a total volume of 10 million units.

In addition to BOE and CSOT, flat panel makers in Korea and Taiwan will also continue to expand their production of TV panels in 2012. Samsung Electronics aims to roll out 60 million units, followed by LG Display (LGD) at 57 million, Chimei Innolux (CMI) at 50 million and AU Optronics (AUO) at 35 million, estimated the sources. 


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