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China Automobile Anti-theft System Market Report, 2005-2006

Published: Dec/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,700
Pages: 70 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,800
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,700

In recent years, the automobile anti-theft system has developed fast in China. In 2004, the domestic output reached 10 million units where electronic anti-theft alarms are the major products. Moreover, the network oriented anti-theft system, such as GSM and GPS anti-theft systems, has been booming in the past two years. The number of domestic companies specialized in this field has exceeded half of the companies total number.

For market sales, the domestic market is very important. In recent years, the domestic sales of automobile anti-theft devices have increased by 20%-30% per year, and the demand in domestic market has exceeded 4 million units in 2005. Besides, another major sales channel for automobile anti-theft system is export. The export of automobile anti-theft system has become the main sales channel for many domestic companies. From January to November in 2004, the export of automobile anti-theft devices reached 7.7 million units.

Although the automobile anti-theft industry witnesses now a great boom, it faces lots of challenges, especially with the exploitation of the pre-installation market. In China, only a few companies have entered the pre-installation field. As more and more automobiles of different models are equipped with anti-theft systems, the post-installation market will shrink gradually. It is estimated that in 5 to 7 years, the pre-installation will be dominant in the domestic market, with post-installation representing no more than 20%. Therefore, companies have to make great efforts to improve technology and try to gain installation business from domestic enterprises and joint ventures.

This research report focuses on the present situation and potential development of automobile anti-theft system in China, in the perspectives of present market situation, production and sales, installation and potential development of enterprises.

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