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China Heavy-duty Truck Industry Report, 2007

Published: Aug/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 399
Pages: 26 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 399
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 798

The accumulative sales amount of heavy-duty trucks amounted to 209228 units in China from Jan to May of 2007, up 63.7% y-o-y and equaling to 68.1% of the total sales amount of 2006. The heavy truck market increased fastest among segmented markets of the auto industry. During Jan to May of 2007, the sales amount of complete vehicle of heavy-duty truck was 35257 units, rising 52% y-o-y; the chassis sales amounted to 95856 units, increasing 36.7% y-o-y; and the sales of semi-trailer towing vehicle was 78236 units, up 126.2% y-o-y.

Due to the heavy-duty truck market has been in fast growth in China in the recent years, most companies are still concentrating on the domestic market, and overseas market expansion is slow. The heavy truck export amounted to 7948 units in China from Jan to Apr of 2007, up 19% y-o-y, accounting for only 5% in the total sales amount of the industry.

Monthly Sales Amount of Heavy-duty Truck since 2000


Ratios of Complete Vehicle of Heavy-duty Truck, Chassis and Semi-trailer Towing Vehicle in the Sales Amount, 2004-May 2007


Market Share of Top 6 Companies in the Heavy-duty Truck Industry, 2003-May 2007


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