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China Airport Industry Report, 2006-2010

Published: Jan/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,600
Pages: 143 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,700
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,550

Along with the rapid growth of China's economy, airport construction has achieved great development during the 10th Five-Year Plan period (2001-2005). By the end of 2005, China has had 135 civil scheduled-flight airports in 133 cities. In 2005, the total passenger throughput of China reached 284.35 million person times, increased by 17.5% over the previous year; cargo and mail throughput was 6.331 million tons with a year-on-year growth of 14.6%.

Among all civil airports in China, there are 42 airports whose annual passenger throughout exceeds 1 million person times, accounting for 94.7% of total passenger throughout; there are 7 airports whose annual passenger throughout exceeds 10 million person times, accounting for 52.1% of the total; and the passenger throughput of airports in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou shares 37.3% of the total. Besides, China has 39 airports whose annual cargo and mail throughout are over 10,000 tons, accounting for 98.5% of total cargo and mail throughout. And cargo and mail throughput of airports in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou accounts for 56.9% of the total.

Air Transport and Production of China Civil Aviation, Sep. 2006

At present, the turnover of Chinese civil aviation occupies only 0.55% of the total turnover of the whole transport system, and the passenger traffic of civil aviation accounts for only about 10% of the railway passenger traffic. However, the turnover of U.S. civil aviation occupies 9.5% of the total turnover of its comprehensive transport system. With regard to the airport density, China has 1.4 airports per 100,000 km² while Japan has 23.3 airports per 100,000 km². And even in eastern China where airports are most concentrated, there are only 4.8 airports per 100,000 km², while Xinjiang and northwest China only have 0.6 and 0.8 airport per 100,000 km² respectively.

In recent years, the reform of Chinese airport industry has made great progress. Many positive reform measures, such as localized management on airport, encouraging foreign capitals to construct airport, opening up of air freedom rights, and the reform of investment system, etc, have brought great momentum for China airport industry.

During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, China's economy will continue to keep growing, but the growth rate will slow down to some extent. Additionally, the stable growth of both internal and international trade volume will hold the mainstream, so the demand for air cargo and mail transport will continue to rise. Now as Beijing 2008 Olympics draw near, the number of overseas tourists will witness a sharp rise during 2006-2008, which will also stimulate the great demand for international flights. Therefore, China airport industry can still see huge development potentials during the 11th Five-Year Plan period.

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