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Company Study of Shanghai Airport Authority

Published: Jun/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 299
Pages: 16 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 299
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 598

The assets of Shanghai Airport Authority is mainly comprised of the 1st–stage project of Hongqiao International Airport, 51% stock rights of freight transport station of Pudong International Airport, the income of airport tax reimbursement, advertisement companies and stock rights of aviation food companies, etc.

In 2006, there were 177,600 arrival-departure flights in Hongqiao International Airport with a passenger throughput of 19.22 million person-times. The operating revenue of the airport was about RMB 1.1 billion to RMB 1.2 billion, Net profit RMB 500 million to RMB 600 million. The earnings of freight transport station of Pudong International Airport amounted to RMB 1.012 billion, net profits RMB 627 million and, the net profit margin was up to 61.9%. The income of airport tax reimbursement reached RMB 650 million, and the figure will rise to RMB 730 million, RMB 830 million and RMB 910 million respectively in 2007, 2008 and 2009.

The non-aviation business of Shanghai Airport has great potentials, but it now only contributes 30% to business income. After the overall listing in the future, the utilized area for commercial purpose will be five times or above and, the earnings will be tripled then.

Statistics and Forecast of Net Profit of Freight Transport Station of Pudong International Airport, 2002-2010

Comparison between Arrival/Departure Flights Growth and Passenger Throughput Growth of Pudong International Airport, 2006-Apr.2007


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