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China Civil Aviation Transportation Industry Report, 2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 299
Pages: 20 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 299
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 598

The turnover of China Civil Aviation has remained rapid growth since 2000, and the CAGR reached as high as 16.6% from 2001 to 2006.

Around Los Angeles Olympics Games, the international passenger turnover boosted, up from 21.8% in 1983 to 28.9% in 1993. From the total turnover of civil aviation transportation and the ratio of international passenger transportation, the current period of China civil aviation is very similar to America civil aviation. It is forecasted that the CAGR of the international passenger throughput of China civil aviation will remain more than 20% from 2007 to 2012.

The growth rate of the top four airports and top five flight courses has been lower than the average level of the industry since 2002. The throughput of the secondary airports increased at a pace of about 20%, which makes the civil aviation demand structure optimize further, so the airlines can establish more balanced airline network, which attributes to the scale effect of the increasing airline frequency.

With the integration among three groups, the industry concentration degree will improve further. China civil aviation market will be monopolized by 2-3 super-large leading airlines, and occupying about 80% of the market shares.

Civil Aviation Passenger Turnover, 1987-2006

Segment Markets of Civil Aviation Industry

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