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China Apple Juice Concentrate Industry Report,2008

Published: Apr/2008

Hard Copy  USD $ 699
Pages: 30 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 699
Report Code: FY067 Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,398

In recent years, fruit juice consumption has increased by 10% annually in the developed countries, leading to a continuous rise in demand for apple juice concentrate in international market. At the same time, with the sustained improvement of Chinese people's living standard, domestic demand for apple juice has become larger and larger.

In the extracting season 2006-2007, China's export of apple juice concentrate was four times the figure in 2001-2002, reaching 1.04 million tons, amounting to 67% of trade volume in international market.


China Export of Apple Juice Concentrate, 1996-2007 (unit: 10,000 tons) 

Source: ResearchInChina

China's export of apple juice concentrate grows rapidly and its growth rate is higher than that of global trade volume and consumption of apple juice concentrate. China has achieved a rapid growth in its production of apple juice concentrate by occupying emerging market and grabbing export market shares of other countries. China's exports mainly go to the United States of America, the Europe and Japan, which took up respectively 34%, 25% and 10% of China's total exports In the extracting season 2006-2007.

Export Destination Countries of China Apple Juice Concentrate in Extracting Season 2005-2006 
Source: Bank of China International

Based on the statistics issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, the listed companies and the Bank of China International, this report studies the changes of supply and demand and development prospect of China's apple juice concentrate industry in 2007-2008 and then analyses operation status and development trend of key companies in this industry.

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