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China Biopharmaceutical Industry Report, 2005-2006

Published: Oct/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,100
Pages: 81 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,200
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,800

The report is classified into five parts, as follows:

1. Macro information on China's biopharmaceutical industry

China's macroeconomic environment analysis; China's policies and regulations on biopharmaceutical industry; China's access to WTO and its influence on China's biopharmaceutical industry; biopharmaceutical industrial technology level, developing situation and trends at home and abroad.

2. The global biopharmaceutical market

Current R&D trends of the global biopharmaceutical industry; global biopharmaceutical market analysis before and in 2005, including: market scale, sales status, products and enterprises analysis.

3. In-depth perspectives on China's biopharmaceutical industry and market

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of China's biopharmaceutical production and market sales characteristics before and in 2005; problems existing in China's biopharmaceutical industry; analysis on biological engineering, biological vaccine, diagnosis reagent and IFN markets; the status of China's biopharmaceutical operations;

4. Biotechnology development and market trends

The latest development trends and advanced management systems. Market forecast on China's biopharmaceutical market in 2006, including: factors influencing China's biopharmaceutical industry development in 2006, China's biopharmaceutical market variables in 2006, and future development of China's biopharmaceutical industry. 

5. Investment suggestions

Investment feasibility analysis, risk analysis, profitability analysis and products development suggestions.


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