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Company Study of Shanghai Tunnel Engineering 

Published: Jun/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 299
Pages: 28 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 299
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 598

Urban and inter-city rail traffic is China's investment hotspot during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period. Among over 40 large cities of 1 million or above population in China, 30 more cities have begun the preparation of constructing urban rapid rail or are at early construction stage. About 14 large cities reported the plan of urban rail traffic network, planning to construct 55 rail lines whose accumulated length is 1500 km and accumulated investment is RMB 500 billion.

Presently, 85% shield machines of China rely on import. Products of companies from Germany, France, Japan, etc countries occupy most market shares. The first domestically made shield machine through mass production started operation in Nov 2006. Large-scaled production and sales of shield machines in China began from 2007, enabling the company to step into the phase of actual industrialization.

Construction Plan of Shanghai Huangpu River Tunnel


Shanghai Subway Plan


Composition of Prime Operating Profits, 2006


Forecast of China's Shield Machine Market, 2006-2010

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