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Interim Report of China Electronic Component Industry, 2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 369
Pages: 24 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 369
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 738

In Jan-Apr 2007, China electronic component industry was driven by the demand for newly-rising consumer electronic products like mobile phones, laptop computers and LCD TVs, but as newly-begun and planned investment projects decreased sharply, its prime operating revenue merely grew by 21% on the average, down by 8 points over the same period of 2006 (29.5%).

Due to a large amount of investment projects concentrating in H2 2006, in Jan-Apr 2007, there were only 194 newly-started projects in the electronic component industry, down by 51 year on year, and the planned investment of newly-started projects declined by 15.4%; the amount of newly-started projects of the electronic device industry was 83, up by 7 over last year, yet the planned investment for newly-commenced projects decreased by 68.8%.

 Monthly Sales Value of Global Semiconductors, Jan 2006-Apr 2007

Source: SIA


Operating Performance of China's Domestic Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry, Jan-Apr 2007

Source: Ministry of Information Industry

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