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China International Balance of Payments Report, 2006

Published: June/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 599
Pages: 40 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 599
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,198

In 2006, China's economy kept a fast growth and the opening-up further deepened. The reform of RMB exchange rate forming mechanism is progressing steadily. The elasticity of exchange rate improved significantly. The double favorable balance still continued. In addition, favorable balance of current account amounted to USD 249.9 billion; and the surplus of capital and financial account reached USD10 billion. At the end of 2006, foreign exchange reserve was up to USD 1.0663 trillion, an increase of USD 247.5 billion from a year earlier.

 Balance of Payments of China, 2006 (USD in Millions)

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