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China Toothpaste Industry Report, 2006

Published: Aug/2006

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,400
Pages: 231 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,500
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,250

China's toothpaste industry has a big market capacity. Since the late 1990s, its market capacity has maintained a growth of 5% per year, maintaining a steady change in quarters within one year. By the year of 2004, the Chinese oral cleaning market scale has achieved a scale of 7 billion Yuan. In 2005, the toothpaste sales in China reached a scale of 4 billion units (65g/units). By the year of 2010, the number will have reached 4.5 billion tubes. Currently the brand structure of the Chinese toothpaste market falls into four groups: The first group consists of the foreign and joint venture strong brands, including Colgate, Crest, Zhonghua, Black Man; The second group is Chinese native traditional leading brands, including Liangmianzhen, Tianqi, Heimei, Lengsuanling, Blue Sky, etc.; The third group consists of the new powerful brands, including LG Bamboo Salt, Nice, Yongnan (Shushuang), etc. And the fourth, the 3rd and 4th grade brands are mostly the extension of the product lines of medium or small toothpaste companies or daily chemical enterprises/groups. Though they have some impact on regional markets, yet have little influence on the whole industry.

From the view of the regional structure, in the urban market, the toothpaste products are developing towards top level. In the rural market, the sale of the products at low prices will rise promptly. After brands of the first group have occupied the urban market, the marketing focus began to incline towards the rural market. From the view of the price structure, the foreign brands of the first group began to penetrate into the low-end price from the high-end price. The Chinese native brands of the second group began to counterattack from the low-end price to the medium-to-high end price. At present, the Chinese native brands of the second and the third group are approaching success during the counterattack in the medium-to-high end market.  Another round of reshuffle will urge the change of the current market structure and the Chinese native brands will emerge in the first group. From the view of the product structure, the functional and medicated toothpastes stand in the dominant position. From the view of the taste structure, salt taste is the biggest hotspot in the market. LG bamboo salt is the most popular one, followed by Crest and Colgate.

China's oral cleaning supplies industry will maintain a rapid development and the export will have a remarkable growth during the 11th five-year plan; the products will continue to maintain the world first-class quality. The herbal medicated toothpaste will develop rapidly. The industrial integration and product innovation are speeding up. The market is going on further market diversification and segmentation. The production will be more scientific, standard and advanced and the name brand effect is enhanced, but due to the intense competition, the restriction of original material and the low profit margin, most enterprises keep a relatively low profit level.

Based on a great deal of information from the National Bureau of Statistics, the General Administration of State Customs, the Economy & Trade Commission of China, the Light Industry Statistics Bureau of China, China Commercial Information Center, China Oral Care Products Industry Association, the National Economy Prosperity Survey Center, the China Toothpaste Industry Information, China Industries Research Website, Chinese and foreign relative newspapers and some research institutions of daily chemical, this report analyses on the supply and demand of China's toothpaste market, market competitive structure and development. It also analyzes in detail about the market sale and the impacts China's toothpaste industry will face in the WTO era as well as some strategies the enterprises have to take. In addition, a prediction about the trend of the relative industrial policies is also made to give you a comprehensive understanding of China toothpaste market.


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