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China Skin Care Market Report, 2005

Published: Oct/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,800
Pages: 119 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 2,000
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 3,000

In China's skin care market, the competition among home-made, joint-ventured and imported products is getting increasingly fierce. Foreign and joint venture brands mainly dominate in the top grade market, while domestic brands centralize in middle and low grade market, where there are small profits and a quick turnover. Currently there are over 1300 skin care products in Chinese market. Skin care sales account for 26-35 percent, according to the regions, of the total cosmetics sales, because the purchase rate and usage rate of skin care products are relatively high in China.

According to the latest statistics, worldwide skin care sales are about $28.7 bn, accounting for over 15 percent of total cosmetics sales. Japan occupies 20 percent of the total world market followed by the US with 19 percent. In the U.S. market, skin care products account for 21.2 percent of total cosmetics categories, with sales representing 36 percent. Japan's skin care sales are $5.7 bn, $0.3 bn higher than that of the U.S. and 3.6 times that of China. Sales in Europe have also been increasing rapidly in recent years, representing 31 percent of worldwide market. Skin care products sales in China reached $10.7 bn in 2004.

Under fierce competition, domestic brands have been multi-polarized. Some once famous brands have died out or declined to regional brands. While most domestic makers are struggling to survive, Shanghai Jahwa, Beijing Sanlu and Shenzhen Lisida, who have stressed attention on brand value and on establishing a strong brand, have made great progress in the market and have gained achievements in the middle and low grade market. As transnationals are using China market to realize their worldwide expansion goals, the pricing and distribution network advantages domestic brands once had will disappear.

This report uses data from Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, China Customs General Administration, State Economic & Trade Commission, Light Industrial Statistics Bureau, State Commercial Information Center, and China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industry. It also refers to over hundred industrial publications such as Cosmetic Newspaper, China Cosmetics, Commodity Chemical Information, Beauty and Fashion, and FrendsChina. This report deals with the status of global skin care market and with China skin care market, demand and supply of skin care raw materials, sales channels of skin care products, leaders in the skin care market, current consumer psychology, and trends of skin care market.

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