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China Auto Parts Industry Report, 2007

Published: June/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 399
Pages: 24 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 399
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 798

The revenue of auto parts industry and complete car industry in China amounted to RMB 527.2 billion and RMB 811.4 billion respectively in 2006, and the revenue ratio of complete car to auto parts was 1.54:1. In addition, the revenue and profit increase of auto parts industry was 34.71% and 46.79% respectively in 2006, 7.85% and 2.62% higher than the complete car; meanwhile, in the first two months of 2007, which was 6.97% and 31.52% higher respectively.

Gross Profit Margin, Period Expenditure Rate and Pre-tax Profit Rate of Auto Parts Enterprises, 1998-2006


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