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China Transportation Industry Report, 2004-2005

Published: May/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,500
Pages: 110 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,650
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,475

The report sums up the development of the global and Chinese transportation industries in 2004. Through detailed data and full elaboration, it reveals the structure and competition pattern of China's transportation industry from various angles. Meanwhile, it also presents a comprehensive assessment of the operational strategies and competitiveness of key enterprises in the industry.

The report especially points out the following: In 2004, China's transportation industry continued to maintain a momentum of fast growth. Domestic transportation production grew rapidly. A preliminary pattern of competition had been formed in the industry, featuring intense competition between railway and highway and between railway and civil aviation. Market competition had changed from pure competition for market shares to comprehensive competition based on many factors. Competition between brands intensified. Market segments including highway transportation, waterway transportation and aviation transportation had huge growth potentials. In the next few years, the transportation industry will continue to maintain fast growth, thanks to the drive of market demand. The industry will have greater prosperity and offer good investment opportunities.  

Based on an in-depth analysis of major factors affecting the development of China's transportation industry from 2005-2009, the report presents qualitative and quantitative forecast of the development trend of the industry. Finally, it provides pertinent industry development strategies and recommendations for the government, enterprises and investors respectively


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