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China Air Express Industry Report, 2005

Published: Jun/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 900
Pages: 118 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,000
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,000

Globalization is altering international business practices, and requiring manufacturers to operate at maximum efficiency. Today's trading environment is characterized by the following aspects: complex sourcing strategies for raw materials and components, regional even global assembly plants are needed for scale manufacturing, and the application of flexible just-in-time inventory management to deliver finished products to various markets in time. To remain competitive, manufacturing and service companies in China must turn to the value-added services of the global integrated air express companies. Therefore, demand for integrated air express services is rising rapidly.

The report explains in detail the role of the integrated air express industry in China and assesses the commercial, economic and social benefits brought by this vital industry to China.



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