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China Fibreglass Industry Report, 2006-2010

Published: June/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,000
Pages: 90 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,000
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,500

China's fiberglass industry has shared 41% of the global market. China Fiberglass Co., Ltd, Yunnan Yuntianhua Co., Ltd and Taishan Fiberglass Inc. have become new international tycoons in the world fiberglass industry.

China's fiberglass industry enjoys accelerating demand and the demand for fiberglass will maintain at 18% in the five years to some. By 2010, domestic consumption of fiberglass will increase from the present 820 thousand tons to 1.59 million tons by then.

China's fiberglass industry boasts high industry bulwark and the government has issued the admission conditions of the industry. It is estimated that China will keep stable growth rate of 14% in fiberglass output capacity in next five years; however, the output capacity still can not meet the fast-growing demand from the home market and satisfy the international market produced for close and production stop of international tycoons.

Fiberglass Output of China and the World, 2000-2006

Forecast of Chinese Domestic Demand for Fiberglass of Different Industries, 2007-2010

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