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China Electrolytic Manganese Export Report, 2007

Published: Sep/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 449
Pages: 30 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 449
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 898

The supply is still larger than the demand in the electrolytic manganese market. The industry concentration of the electrolytic manganese manufacturers was enlarged further, the polarization became more intensive and, the electrolytic manganese export went towards further specialization.

The electrolytic manganese export volume in China is increasing at a pace of 20% steadily in recent years, it was first time that the domestic consumption amount exceeded the export volume in 2006, and the average growth margin was more than 35% in recent three years.

Compared to China electrolytic manganese export destinations in 2005, Holland became the first largest country in 2006 and, Japan showed the negative growth. In addition, the electrolytic manganese import volume in India, Mexico and Brazil also increased dramatically.

Production Scale of Electrolytic Manganese Companies in China, 2006


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