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China Medical Devices Market Report, 2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 369
Pages: 24 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 369
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 738

Presently, the global sales revenue of medical device amounted to about USD 250 billion. Developed countries and regions take the majority of market shares, among which America takes 40%, Europe 30%, Japan 15-18% and, China about 4%. 16 out of the world's top 20 medical device enterprises are located in America. For instance, the annual sales revenue of only medical device division of Johnson & Johnson reached more than USD 20 billion.

In recent years, the average annual growth rates for the revenue and profit of China medical device industry are both above that of medical manufacturing industry, reached up to 20% or above. In 2006, the revenue and profit of medical device industry increased by about 30% and 30% plus respectively.

Currently, there are more than 10,000 medical device manufacturing enterprises in China, but most are small-sized ones. Only dozens of enterprises can realize respective sales revenue of over RMB 100 million per year.

Sales Revenue of Medical Device Industry and Medical Manufacturing Industry in China

Growth Rate for Imports and Exports of China Medical Device Industry

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