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China Medical Devices Market Report, 2005

Published: Aug/2005

Hard Copy  USD $ 700
Pages: 151 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 800
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 1,600

According to HIMA forecast, global medical instrument sales will reach $260 billion in 2006. The US medical instrument growth rate maintained at 9 percent.

According to the forecast of the 10th five-year program in medical instrument industry, the gross output value of China' medical instrument industry will reach RMB¥100 billion in 2010. As China' macro-economy enters another stable growing cycle, the medical instrument demand in Chinese market will maintain a strong growth momentum in the following several years. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the gross output value of China's medical instrument industry maintained a rapid growth since 1990s, with an average annual growth rate of 12-15 percent, and the total profits increased synchronously with sales income.

Although China's  medical instrument industry has been growing rapidly, its total production value only accounts for 2 percent of the world market share, in which the U.S. accounts for 42 percent and Japan is 14 percent. The sales ratio of medical instrument to medicine in China is 1:5 while this ratio in the international market is 1:1.9, therefore indicating a large development space of China's medical instrument industry.

This report addresses the following issues: status of medical instrument industry home and abroad, general market situation in major countries and regions, status of segmented markets according to the new standard issued by Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, status of the hot markets, sales and operation status of major enterprises, problems and trends of major enterprises. Emphases are laid upon the eight market segments and some generally recognized hot markets.

During the writing of this report, we refer to a great amount of data and information from PharmNet, China-188.com, cmdi.gov.cn, CIMAIE (http://www.rlsp.net/yl), Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, Customs General Administration of China, DRCnet (http://www.drcnet.com.cn), and State Food and Drug Administration (http://www.sda.gov.cn), providing an all-round analysis and description of China's medical equipment industry impersonally and impartially. Based on analysis of the data and facts, we present our forecasts and recommendations.


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