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China OTC Drug Market Report, 2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 369
Pages: 24 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 369
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 738

By 2003, the global OTC drug market had reached 63 billion, and China's OTC drugs shared 5.7% of the global market, only behind North America, West Europe and Japan. In 2003, the sales value in China's OTC drug market achieved as high as USD 3.6 billion.

Currently, China has owned 4488 varieties of OTC drugs, including 3511 kinds of Chinese traditional patent medicine and 977 kinds of chemical drugs. The former occupies about 25% of the gross drug volume in China. Besides, Chinese traditional patent medicine shared over 40% in China's OTC drug market.

Development Scale of China's OTC Medicine Market, 2001-2005


Proportion of Drugs by Product in China's OTC Market, Feb 2007

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