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China Discrete Devices Market Report, 2005-2006

Published: Sep/2006

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,900
Pages: 85 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 2,000
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 3,000

At present, China has been the world's largest market of discrete devices. In 2005, the market capacity reached RMB64.38 billion, taking more than 40 percent of global market shares.

The Sales Revenue & Growth Rate of China's Discrete Devices Market, 2001-2005


Currently, domestic discrete devices are mainly applied into the fields such as consumer electronics, computer/peripherals, network communication, special electronic equipment, instruments &meters, automotive electronics, LED display and electronic illumination, etc. Of them, three biggest application markets rest with consumer electronics, computer/peripherals and network communication. In 2005, discrete devices that are required in these three fields respectively got to 32.02 billion units, 68.406 billion units and 41.06 billion units, accounting for 14.5%, 30.9% and 18.6% of total market sales separately.

In 2005, computer/peripherals had the greatest demand, with a fast growth rate of 17.7%. Additionally, automotive electronics and electronic illumination grew at a respective rate of 17.6% and 15.9%.

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