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Global Automotive MCU Industry Report, 2006-2007

Published: Dec/2006

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,700
Pages: 131 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,800
Report Code: CA016 Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,700

Statistics and Forecast of Automobile MCU Applications according to BIT, 2003-2012

As the most attractive sector of the electronic industry, automotive electronics is far superior to others no matter in prospect, stability or gross margin, and its core just lies in automotive MCU. However, MCU is an inborn high-threshold field, especially for the automotive MCU because it has to consider not only the temperature scope between-40℃and 125℃, but also the quiver, humidity, height, dust, oil-dust. Therefore, automotive MCU requires special manufacturing process as well as long-term authentication.

Automotive electronics also has its unique industrial module: MCU manufactures are in the upstream, following are module manufacturers developing special ECU, then Tireone component suppliers. In recent years, Tireone component suppliers have been becoming increasingly powerful, while the module manufacturers have been gradually disappearing. Meanwhile, global top eight automobile groups shared 80% of the automobile market, and the division among European, American and Japanese vehicles is quite obvious.

Due to the persistent vertical integration of Japanese manufacturers and the tight supply chain which is extremely hard for non-Japanese manufacturers to enter, MCU manufacturers usually ally with car manufactures in development instead of component suppliers. By contrast, European and American manufacturers seldom have business with car manufacturers except Freescale with whom GM cooperate for engine development. 

Contrast of Six Major Automotive MCU Manufacturers

Automotive MCU vendors show more interest in fields including air bag (especially side air bag), automotive electronic brake control (ABS, ESC and ESP), internal instrument panel, automobile navigation, audio equipment and bus lines. This report presents detailed information for all the above sectors.

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