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China Power Management IC Market Report, 2006-2007

Published: Jul/2007

Hard Copy  USD $ 1,800
Pages: 56 Electronic(PDF)  USD $ 1,900
Report Code: Enterprisewide  USD $ 2,850

In recent years, power management IC has always been the hotspot in semiconductor field, and its growth rate is higher than that of the semiconductor market. In 2002-2006, the CAGR of China power management IC reached 30.1%, which was mainly attributable to the fast growth for the output of downstream products. The output of those products will continue to grow in the future, but the growth rate will be lower than that of 2006 because there will be a drop in the fast growth of whole set products. In spite of fast growth of 3G and digital TV in China integrated circuit market in next few years, it can only enable the upgrading of products in some fields and hardly conduce to the significant growth for the output of downstream products.

Distribution of China Power Management IC Market, 2007-2011F


Seen from the product type, there will be a rise in market shares for power management IC in the future, particularly in portable devices. Unlike LDO and DC/DC that are with single function, PMU can be integrated with LDO, DC/DC and charging management, etc. And it usually acts as an ASSP in practical application.

As for the application fields, the growth of PMU will be the fastest in automotive electronics in the next five years. With the expanding output of automobiles in China, continuous upgrading of automotive PMU products and the ever increasing applications, the CAGR of China Automotive Electronics PMU market will be above 28% in 2007-2011. Secondly, under the drive of 3G, IPTV and various network applications, the CAGR of MPU for network communications in the next five years will be also over 25%.

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