Customized Research

Automotive Industry Customized Research

1.Feasibility Study
Provided (CMMB or DTMB) standard feasibility research for a foreign car audio-visual systems and interviewed plenty of finished automobile companies and industry policy experts in the project.


2. Market Entry Strategy
Provided overseas market entry strategy for a large-scale automotive group in China and collected the following information in the project:


3. Due Diligence Investigation
We can provide comprehensive due diligence investigation business for acquirer and investment bank as well as mini due diligence investigation.


4. Competitor Investigation
Investigated the distribution network layout of an assigned vehicle enterprise, as commissioned by an enterprise of luxurious vehicle:


Result Sample:


5. Benchmarking Research
Provided overseas market entry strategy for a large-scale automotive group in China and collected the following information in the project:
Result Sample:
Provided overseas market entry strategy for a large-scale automotive group in China and collected the following information in the project:


6. Upstream/Downstream Supply Chain Analysis
With combination of automotive industry database and plenty of expert consultants in the industry, we can deeply excavate the upstream/downstream supply chain of a target enterprise to provide a profound solution for our clients.


IInvestigated automotive ABS plastics industrial chain in China for a multinational chemical tycoon


7. Consumer Survey- Content
We can handle various consumer research projects in automotive industry:


Our consumer research methodology include:

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