Global and China Touch Screen (Panel) Industry Report, 2012-2013
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Global and China Touch Screen (Panel) Industry Report, 2012-2013 covers the followings:

Touch Screen Market Size

Trends of Small, Medium and Large-sized Touch Screens

Touch Screen Downstream Market and Industry

11 Small and Medium-sized Display Companies

18 Touch Screen Companies

4 Touch IC Companies and 5 Glass Companies
Touch screen market scaled approximately US$13.8 billion in 2012, an increase of 27.8% compared with US$10.8 billion in 2011, shipments grew by about 34.1%. It is expected that the market size in 2013 will climb 26.8% YoY to US$17.5 billion, with growth of 28.0% in shipments.
The future development direction of the mobile phone touch screen area is IN-CELL, which, once the yield problem is solved, will produce the lowest cost as well as the best performance. While Samsung insists on using AMOLED, ON-CELL will enjoy a long-term retention of place. Apple has pioneered the G/G-type touch screen with the best performance, but too thick, too heavy, too costly. In 2011, Samsung’s challenge to Apple was not so significant, G/G type became Apple’s favorite, and also the mainstream choice of high-end mobile phones. The abrupt rise of G/F/F in 2012 brought more ideal thickness, weight and cost than G/G type, yet the performance was not good enough. P/F type dominated the low-end since cost was the most important consideration. In 2012, G/F/F eroded part of the P/F market, P/G type suffered a fast fading due to poor weight and thickness as well as higher cost than P/F.
Entering 2013, with the high homogenization of smart phones, companies have concentrated on screen competition, resulting in the endless emergence of 1080P phones. A 5-inch phone screen’s resolution is even higher than 99% of 32-inch TV, the same as 90% of 60-inch TV, which reflects the public’s enthusiasm for screens. Even for cheap phones, only more costs are devoted to the screen can good results be achieved, the year 2013 will witness the rise of OGS full lamination. High- and medium-end phones, especially smart phones will resort to extensive use, and most companies don’t care about the shortcomings of insufficient structural strength. Nokia, Sony Mobile and HTC all use OGS in their high-end products, so do Mainland Chinese companies such as OPPO, Huawei, ZTE, Coolpad, Lenovo, K-TOUCH, Gionee, BBK, etc., accompanied by a speedy spread in the mid-market.
The cost advantage of G/F/F is not prominent, and users show unconcern about the shortcomings of insufficient structural strength, thus a large portion of G/F/F’s share in the high/medium-end market will be snatched by OGS. The future development of G1F depends on the price advantage, following the IC technological advances and lower prices, its cost advantage may even be greater than that of resistive screen.
The medium-sized field primarily refers to the 7-10 inch screen market. In 2011, iPad adopted G/G type touch screen, so did Amazon’s Kindle Fire; as the medium-sized G/G type touch screen capacity was basically undertaken by Apple, other vendors turned their attention to the G/F/F. In 2012, Japan-based Nissha Printing with the aid of Nitto Denko’s ultra-thin ITO film developed DITO type touch sensor. Considering the thin design and better performance than G/F/F, Apple employed GF2 in iPad Mini for the first time. The cost performance of 9.7-inch iPad launched in 2013 is obviously inferior to the upcoming iPad Retina Mini, the sales volume is expected to drop severely.
GF2 will see a swelling proportion, however, due to the high cost, it is unlikely to be adopted by vendors other than Apple. Most of the vendors of non-Apple camp will choose G/F/F, and Amazon is also probably to turn to the G/F/F camp after abandoning the G/G type. OGS in 2014 is anticipated to have a high yield of about 90%, with competitive cost and adequate capacity, thus widely used in the non-Apple camp, followed by a further market expansion in 2015.
It is predicted that OGS will dominate the 11-inch above touch screen market, yet a few vendors prefer to the G/F/F design in view of cost factor. The bigger the screen, the more evident the competitiveness of OGS, because as screen increases, the resistance value accordingly presents an escalating trend, but in the case of large resistance, ITO film sensor exposes poor sensitivity and high degree of difficulty to produce the large-sized ones. Thickness and weight of G/F/F are also higher than those of OGS, 11.5-17 inch laptops are highly possible to select OGS.
Revenue of Leading Touch Screen Companies, 2010-2013
1. Introduction to Touch Screen
1.1 Glass-to-Glass (G/G)
1.2 Glass-to-Film-to-Film (G/F/F)
1.3 G1F
1.4 TOC
1.7 Development Trends of Mobile Phone Touch Screen Technology
1.8 Development Trends of Medium-sized Touch Screen
1.9 Development Trends of Large-sized Touch Screen
2. Touch Screen Downstream Market
2.1 Touch Screen Market Size
2.2 Mobile Phone Market
2.2.1 Global Mobile Phone Market Size
2.2.2 Market Share of Mobile Phone by Brand
2.2.3 Smartphone Market and Industry
2.2.4 China Mobile Phone Industry by Region
2.2.5 China Mobile Phone Exports
2.3 Laptop and Tablet PC
2.3.1 Laptop Industry
2.3.2 Laptop OEM
2.3.3 Tablet PC Industry
2.3.4 China Mobile PC Industry
3. Touch Screen Industry
3.1 Industry Chain
3.2 Small and Medium-sized Display Industry Scale
3.3 Technical Status of Small and Medium-sized Panel
3.4 Geographical Pattern of Small and Medium-sized Display Industry
3.5 Ranking of Small and Medium-sized Display Companies
3.6 Ranking of Touch Screen Companies
3.7 Supporting Relationship between Touch Screen Companies and Clients
3.8 OLED
3.8.1 Introduction
3.8.2 Industry Scale
3.8.3 Future Prospects
4. Small and Medium-sized Display Companies
4.7 CPT
4.8 AUO
4.11 SMD
5. Touch Screen Companies
5.5 SMAC
5.8 ELK
5.11 CANDO
5.13 TPK
5.14 EELY
6. Touch Screen Glass Companies
7. Touch Screen Driver IC
7.1 Overview
Glass-to-Glass (G/G) Projected Capacitive (P-cap) Touch Screen
Glass-to-Film-to-Film (G/F/F) P-cap Touch Screen
G1F Touch Screen
TOC Touch Screen
Sheet Type TOC
Piece Type TOC
Mobile Phone Touch Screen by Technology, 2011-2015
Medium-sized Touch Screen by Technology, 2011-2015
Touch Notebook PC Shipments, 2011-2016
Global Touch Screen Market Size and Shipments, 2010-2015
Global Touch Screen Market Shipments by Application, 2010-2015
Global Touch Screen Market by Application (Amount), 2010-2015
Global Mobile Phone Shipments, 2007-2014
Global CDMA/WCDMA Mobile Phone Shipments by Region, 2010-2013
Sales Volume of Global Leading Mobile Phone Vendors, 2011-2012
Sales Volume of Global Leading Mobile Phone Vendors, Q4 2012
Market Share of South Korea’s Leading Mobile Phone Vendors, Q4 2012
Market Share of America’s Leading Mobile Phone Vendors, Q4 2012
Sales Volume of Global Leading Smartphone Vendors, 2012-2013
Global Smartphone Operating System Distribution, Q4 2012
China’s Mobile Phone Output by Province, Jan-Nov 2011
China’s Mobile Phone Output by Province/City, Nov 2012
Sales Volume of China’s Leading Smartphone Vendors, 2012
Shipments of Top Laptop Brands, 2010-2013
Market Share of Top Laptop OEMs, 2006 vs. 2008
Supporting Relationship and Shipment Ratio between Global Laptop Brand Vendors and OEMs, 2010
Supporting Relationship and Shipment Ratio between Global Laptop Brand Vendors and OEMs, 2011
Supporting Relationship and Shipment Ratio between Global Laptop Brand Vendors and OEMs, 2012-2013
Output of Top Tablet PC Vendors, 2012-2013
China’s Laptop (Including Tablet PC) Output, 2004-2012
China’s Laptop (Including Tablet PC) Output by Region, 2010-2012
Touch Screen Industry Chain
Revenue and Growth of Global Small and Medium-sized Panel Industry, 2004-2012
Global Small and Medium-sized Display Shipments, 2004-2012
Output Value of Global Small and Medium-sized Display Industry by Technology, 2009-2012
Global Small and Medium-sized Panel Shipments by Technology, 2009-2011
Output Value of Small and Medium-sized Display Industry by Application, 2010-2011
Output Value of Global Small and Medium-sized Display Industry by Region, 2010-2011
Shipments of Global Small and Medium-sized Display Industry by Region, 2010-2011
Shipments of Leading Small and Medium-sized Display Companies, 2009-2011
Revenue of Leading Small and Medium-sized Display Companies, 2010-2012
Revenue of Leading Touch Screen Companies, 2010-2013
Shipments of Leading Touch Screen Companies, 2010-2011
Market Share of Samsung’s Mobile Phone LCD Touch Screen Suppliers, 2012
Market Share of Samsung’s Tablet PC Touch Screen Suppliers, 2012
Nokia’s Touch Screen Supplier Structure, 2012
LG’s Touch Screen Supplier Structure, 2012
HTC’s Touch Screen Supplier Structure, 2012
Market Share of Touch Screen Companies in China, 2012
Structure of OLED
Operating Principles for AMOLED
Output Value of OLED Industry, 2006-2013
Global OLED Capacity, 2008-2014
Global OLED Capacity by Generation, 2008-2014
OLED by Application, 2008-2014
Capacity of Global Leading OLED Companies, 2009-2014
SHARP’s Small and Medium-sized Display by Client, 2011
Market Share of IPS Small and Medium-sized LCD Panel, 2011
Revenue and Gross Margin of GIANTPLUS, 2002-2012
Monthly Revenue and Growth of GIANTPLUS, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Sales Volume of GIANTPLUS, 2009-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of TIANMA, 2005-2012
Operating Income and Net Income of TIANMA, Q4 2009-Q1 2012
Gross Margin and Net Profit Margin of TIANMA, Q4 2009-Q1 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of TRULY, 2005-2012
Revenue Breakdown of TRULY’s LCD Business by Technology, 2006-2011
Revenue Breakdown of TRULY SEMICONDUCTORS by Business, 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of HANNSTAR, 2003-2012
Monthly Revenue and Shipments of HANNSTAR, Jan 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of CPT, 2004-2012
Monthly Revenue and Growth of CPT, Jan 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of AUO, 2004-2012
Monthly Revenue and Growth of AUO, Jan 2010-Jan 2013
Revenue Breakdown of AUO by Application, Q1 2010-Q4 2012
Small and Medium-sized Panel Shipments and Revenue of AUO, Q1 2010-Q4 2012
Capacity of AUO by Production Line, Q1 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of INNOLUX, 2007-2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of INNOLUX, Q 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of INNOLUX by Downstream Application, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of INNOLUX by Application, 2011-2012
Revenue Breakdown of INNOLUX by Size, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Small and Medium-sized Panel Revenue and Shipments of INNOLUX, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Touch Screen Shipments of INNOLUX, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Capacity of INNOLUX by Production Line, Q1 2012
Touch Sensor Capacity of INNOLUX, Q1 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of LG DISPLAY, 2002-2012
Quarterly Revenue, Operating Margin and Gross Margin of LG DISPLAY, Q1 2010-Q2 2012
Revenue Breakdown of LG DISPLAY by Application, Q1 2010-Q2 2012
Small and Medium-sized Panel Revenue and Operating Margin of LG DISPLAY, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Small and Medium-sized Panel Revenue of LG DISPLAY by Application, Q1 2010-Q4 2012
Shipments and Growth of LG DISPLAY, Q1 2008-Q4 2012
ASP and Growth of LG DISPLAY, Q1 2008-Q4 2012
Output of LG DISPLAY by Production Line, Q1 2011-Q1 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of SMD, 2009-2014
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of SMD, Q1 2010-Q4 2012
Quarterly Shipments and ASP of SMD, Q1 2009-Q1 2012
Revenue from OLED Business and % of Total Revenue of SMD, Q1 2010-Q1 2012
AMOLED Capacity of SMD, 2010-2013
AMOLED Capacity Roadmap of SMD, Q1 2011-Q4 2014
Revenue and Gross Margin of WINTEK, 2003-2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of WINTEK, 2003-2013
Global Distribution of WINTEK
Revenue Breakdown of WINTEK by Technology, 2006-2011
Revenue Breakdown of WINTEK by Client, 2009-2012
Sales Volume, Sales and ASP of WINTEK, 2010-2011
Capacitive Touch Screen Capacity of WINTEK
Touch Screen Cover Glass Capacity of WINTEK
ATT Structure of WINTEK
ATT Process Flow of WINTEK
Comparison between WINTEK’s ATT and Traditional Capacitive G/G Touch Screen
Financial Data of WINTEK’s Subsidiaries in Chinese Mainland, 2011
Revenue Breakdown of WINTEK by Product, Q1 2011-Q2 2012
Revenue Breakdown of WINTEK by Application, Q2 2010-Q2 2012
Monthly Revenue and Growth of WINTEK, Feb 2011-Mar 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin YOUNG FAST, 2005-2013
Monthly Revenue and Growth of YOUNG FAST, Jan 2011-Jan 2013
Gross Margin of YOUNG FAST, Q1 2009-Q3 2012
Revenue Breakdown of YOUNG FAST by Client, 2010-2012
Capacity, Output and Sales Volume of YOUNG FAST, 2008-2011
Revenue Breakdown of YOUNG FAST by Technology, Q1 2010-Q3 2012
Distribution of YOUNG FAST Factories
Revenue and Operating Margin of JTOUCH, 2006-2013
Monthly Revenue and Growth of JTOUCH, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Capacity, Output and Sales Volume of JTOUCH, 2008-2011
Revenue Breakdown of JTOUCH by Region, 2008-2011
Introduction to Departments of MILDEX
Revenue and Operating Margin of MILDEX, 2006-2012
Monthly Revenue and Growth of MILDEX, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue Breakdown of MILDEX by Product, Q1 2010-Q4 2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of SMAC, 2005-2012
Production Process of SMAC
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of SMAC, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Quarterly Revenue of SMAC by Business, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Operating Margin of Tablet PC Business of SMAC, Q1 2012-Q4 2013
Capacity of SMAC, Q1 2012-Q4 2013
Capacity and CAPEX of SMAC, Q1 2012-Q4 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of ILJIN DISPLAY, 2008-2013
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of ILJIN DISPLAY, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of ILJIN DISPLAY by Business, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Output of ILJIN DISPLAY’s 7-inch TSP, Q1 2010-Q4 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of MELFAS, 2007-2013
Revenue Breakdown of MELFAS by Product, 2007-2013
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of MELFAS, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of ELK, 2006-2013
Quarterly Revenue of ELK by Application, Q1 2012-Q4 2013
Quarterly Revenue of ELK by Client, Q1 2012-Q4 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of DIGITECH SYSTEMS, 2007-2012
Revenue Breakdown of DIGITECH SYSTEMS by Product, 2009-2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of SINTEK PHOTRONIC, 2004-2013
Monthly Revenue and Growth of SINTEK PHOTRONIC, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of CANDO, 2004-2011
Monthly Revenue and Growth of CANDO, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of NISSHA PRINTING, FY2005-FY2013
Revenue Breakdown of NISSHA PRINTING’s Touch Panel Business by Application, FY2010-FY2013
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of NISSHA PRINTING, Q4 2010-Q4 2012
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of NISSHA PRINTING’s Touch Panel Business, Q4 2010-Q4 2012
Revenue, Gross Margin and Operating Margin of TPK, 2007-2013
Quarterly Revenue and Operating Margin of TPK, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Quarterly Revenue and Gross Margin of TPK, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Quarterly Revenue and Net Profit Margin of TPK, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of TPK by Size, Q1-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of TPK by Product, Q1-Q4 2012
CAPEX Budget of TPK, 2013
Monthly Revenue and Growth of TPK, Jan 2011-Jan 2013
Touch Screen Capacity, Output and Sales Volume of TPK, 2008-2012
Revenue Breakdown of TPK by Application, 2011-2013
Quarterly Revenue of TPK by Business, Q1 2010-Q1 2012
Quarterly Revenue of TPK by Product, Q1 2010-Q1 2012
Quarterly Shipments of TPK by Product, Q1 2011-Q1 2012
Quarterly ASP of TPK by Product, Q1 2011-Q1 2012
TPK-Affiliated Companies
Revenue and Gross Margin of TRANSTOUCH TECHNOLOGY, 2004-2012
Monthly Revenue and Growth of TRANSTOUCH TECHNOLOGY, May 2010-May 2012
Capacity, Output and Sales Volume of TRANSTOUCH TECHNOLOGY, 2010-2011
Revenue and Growth of MUTTO OPTRONICS, May 2010-May 2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of MUTTO OPTRONICS, 2008-2012
Revenue Breakdown of MUTTO OPTRONICS by Client, 2012
Revenue and Net Income of LAIBAO HI-TECH, 2005-2012
Quarterly Revenue and Gross Margin of LAIBAO HI-TECH, Q1 2010-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of LAIBAO HI-TECH by Product, 2005-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of SHENZHEN O-FILM TECH, 2007-2012
Revenue Breakdown of SHENZHEN O-FILM TECH by Product, 2009-2012
Touch Screen Sales Volume of SHENZHEN O-FILM TECH, 2008-2012
Customer Structure of SHENZHEN O-FILM TECH, 2012
Revenue and Gross Margin of AIMCORE, 2006-2013
Revenue and Growth of AIMCORE, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue and Operating Margin of TOKEN, 2007-2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of G-TECH OPTOELECTRONICS, 2007-2013
Monthly Revenue and Growth of G-TECH OPTOELECTRONICS, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue Breakdown of G-TECH OPTOELECTRONICS by Product, 2010-2012
Revenue Breakdown of G-TECH OPTOELECTRONICS by Product, Q1-Q3 2012
Relations between Some Touch Screen IC Companies and Touch Screen Companies
Market Share of Global Leading Touch Screen IC Companies, 2009-2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of ELAN, 2004-2013
Monthly Revenue and Growth of ELAN, Feb 2011-Feb 2013
Revenue Breakdown of ELAN by Product, Q1 2011-Q4 2012
Revenue Breakdown of ELAN by Client, 2010-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of SYNAPTICS, FY2004-FY2012
Revenue Breakdown of SYNAPTICS by Application, FY2004-FY2013
Revenue Breakdown of SYNAPTICS by Region, FY2010-FY2012
Revenue and Operating Margin of CYPRESS, 2007-2012
Revenue Breakdown of CYPRESS by Business, 2009-2012
Revenue Breakdown of CYPRESS by Region, 2009-2011
Revenue and Operating Margin of ATMEL, 2006-2012
Revenue Breakdown of ATMEL by Business, 2008-2012
Revenue Breakdown of ATMEL by Region, 2008-2011
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