Global and China RF Coaxial Cable Industry Report, 2018-2022
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Benefitted from fast development of downstream sectors, and constant increase of category and technology requirement of RF coaxial cable from high-end equipment, the market size of RF coaxial cable swells year by year.
Take RF coaxial cable for mobile communications as example: global telecom market now still puts its focus on building 4G network, although few developed countries are about to finish 4G network construction, and many others however are still building. America, Japan, South Korea and China also have started pilots to test 5G network. Therefore, the demand for RF coaxial cable for mobile communication grows fast. It was predicted that in 2018 the market would be valued at USD6.51 billion.
China has built the world's largest 4G network. As of 2017, the total number of mobile network users in China reached approximately 1.417 billion, including about 997 million 4G network users with a penetration rate of 70.4%. The construction of 4G network has driven and accelerated the infrastructure of mobile communications. As of September 2018, the number of mobile communication base stations in China had hit 6.39 million, of which 4.79 million or 74.9% were 3G/4G base stations.
With the full deployment of 4G, the launch of 5G trials and the upcoming 5G commercialization, the scale of Chinese RF coaxial cable market has expanded year by year. It is estimated that the market size will value RMB64.8 billion in 2017 and RMB70.9 billion in 2018 with a year-on-year growth rate of 9.4%.
Global communication RF cable market has a high concentration. Multinational corporations like Belden, Gore, Habia, Times, Nexans, Sumitomo and Hitachi are powerful in capital, technology, research and development and marketing, and are also sensitive to demand change and needs of technology upgrade, through which they dominate the market and remain very competitive.
RF coaxial cable companies in China mainly include Kingsignal, Hengxin Technology, Trigiant Group, Shengyang, Zhongtian RF Cable, Chengdu Zhongling Radio Communications, Shenyu Communication and Zhuhai Hansen Technology, etc. Among them, Shenyu Communication and Shengyang take relatively high capacity of 581,600 km and 420,000 km.

In future, accompanied by the prosperous development of 5G network, the constant upgrade of electronics products, automobile industry, medical care sector and Internet of Things, and increasing demand from electronics and aviation industry, RF coaxial cable industry will be greatly propelled. It is forecasted in future five years, the market size of RF coaxial cable industry in China will go up steadily, and hit RMB102.1 billion in 2022.
Global and China RF Coaxial Cable Industry Report, 2018-2022 highlights the followings:
RF coaxial cable market analysis, including development status, market size, competitive landscape in China and worldwide;
RF coaxial cable market segments (semi-flexible cable, low loss cable, corrugated cable, phase-compensated cable, and leaky cable) in China, including market demand and competitive landscape;
RF coaxial cable downstream industry development;
7 foreign and 10 Chinese companies (operation, revenue structure, gross margin, R&D and investment, RF coaxial cable business, development strategy, etc).
1. Industry Overview
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.1.1 Definition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Industry Chain
2. RF Coaxial Cable Market
2.1 Global
2.1.1 Development Course
2.1.2 Demand
2.1.3 Market Size
2.1.4 Competitive Landscape
2.2 China
2.2.1 Development
2.2.2 Market Size
2.2.3 Demand
2.2.4 Competitive Landscape
2.2.5 Summary and Forecast
3. Market Segments
3.1 Semi-flexible Cable
3.1.1 Market Demand
3.1.2 Competitive Landscape
3.2 Low Loss Cable
3.2.1 Market Demand
3.2.2 Competitive Landscape
3.3 Corrugated Cable
3.3.1 Market Demand
3.3.2 Competitive Landscape
3.4 Phase-compensated Cable
3.4.1 Market Demand
3.4.2 Competitive Landscape
3.5 Micro Coaxial Cable
3.5.1 Market Demand
3.5.2 Competitive Landscape
3.6 Leaky Cable
4. Downstream Industry Development
4.1 Mobile Phone & Notebook PC Industry
4.2 Automobile Industry
4.3 Mobile Communication Industry
4.4 Aerospace & Military Industry
5.Major Global RF Coaxial Cable Companies
5.1 Belden
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Revenue Structure
5.1.4 Gross Margin
5.1.5 Business in China
5.2 Gore
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 RF Coaxial Cable Business
5.3 Habia
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Revenue Structure
5.3.4 Business in China
5.4 Amphenol
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Revenue Structure
5.4.4 Business in China
5.4.5 Amphenol Times Microwave
5.5 Sumitomo
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Revenue Structure
5.5.4 Capital Investment
5.5.5 Business in China
5.6 Commscope
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Revenue Structure
5.6.4 Andrew
5.6.5 Development in China
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Revenue Structure
5.7.4 Business in China
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Operation
5.8.3 Revenue Structure
5.8.4 Business in China
5.9 Hitachi Metals
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Operation
5.9.3 Revenue Structure
5.9.4 Cable-related Business
5.9.5 Business in China
6. Major Chinese RF Coaxial Cable Companies
6.1 Kingsignal Technology
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Revenue Structure
6.1.4 Gross Margin
6.1.5 R&D and Investment
6.1.6 RF Coaxial Cable Business
6.1.7 Development Strategy
6.2 Jiangsu Hengxin Technology Co., Ltd
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Operation
6.2.3 Revenue Structure
6.2.4 Gross Margin
6.2.5 RF Coaxial Cable Business
6.2.6 Development Strategy
6.3 Trigiant Group
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Revenue Structure
6.3.4 Gross Margin
6.3.5 RF Coaxial Cable Business
6.3.6 Development Strategy
6.4 Zhejiang Shengyang Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Revenue Structure
6.4.4 Gross Margin
6.4.5 R&D Investment
6.4.6 RF Coaxial Cable Business
6.4.7 Development Strategy
6.5 Zhongtian Radio Frequency Cable Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Operation
6.5.3 Output and Sales Volume
6.6 Chengdu Zhongling Radio Communications Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Operation
6.7 Zhuhai Hansen Technology Co., Ltd.
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Development Course
6.8 Shenyu Communication Technology Inc.
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Revenue Structure
6.8.4 Output & Sales Volume
6.8.5 R&D Investment
6.8.6 Development Strategy
6.9 Others
6.9.1 AcomeXintai Cables Co., Ltd.
6.9.2 Tianjin 609 Cable Co., Ltd.
Structure of RF Coaxial Cable
Classification of RF Coaxial Cable
Development Course of Global RF Coaxial Cable Industry
Downstream Development of Global RF Coaxial Cable
Global Market Size of RF Coaxial Cable for Mobile Communication, 2007-2018
Global RF 75Ω Coaxial Cable Market Capacity, 2012-2018
Major RF Coaxial Cable Companies Worldwide
Chinese RF Coaxial Cable Market Size, 2007-2018
Demand for RF Coaxial Cable from Downstream Industries
Comparison of RF Coaxial Cable Markets and Companies in China and Overseas Countries
Products and Capacity of Major RF Coaxial Cable Companies in China
Sales Volume of RF Coaxial Cable of Major RF Coaxial Cable Companies in China, 2013-2017
Revenue of Major RF Coaxial Cable Companies in China, 2013-2018
Net Income of Major RF Coaxial Cable Companies in China, 2013-2018
Market Size of RF Coaxial Cable in China, 2017-2022E
Global Market Capacity of Semi-flexible Cable for Mobile Communications, 2007-2018
Market Capacity of Semi-flexible Cable for Mobile Communications in China, 2007-2018
Market Share of Major Semi-flexible Cable Companies in China, 2015
Market Share of Major Semi-flexible Cable Companies in China, 2018
Global Low Loss Cable Market Capacity, 2007-2018
Chinese Low Loss Cable Market Capacity, 2007-2018
Market Share of Major Low Loss Cable Companies in China, 2015
Market Share of Major Low Loss Cable Companies in China, 2018
Chinese Corrugated Cable Market Capacity, 2007-2018
Market Share of Major Corrugated Cable Companies in China, 2015
Market Share of Major Corrugated Cable Companies in China, 2018
Global Phase-compensated Cable Market Capacity, 2007-2018
Chinese Phase-compensated Cable Market Capacity, 2007-2018
Market Share of Major Global Phase-compensated Cable Companies, 2015
Market Share of Major Global Phase-compensated Cable Companies, 2018
Global Micro Coaxial Transmission Device Market Capacity, 2007-2018
Chinese Market Capacity of Micro Coaxial Cable for Mobile Communication Terminal, 2011-2018
Market Share of Major Micro Coaxial Cable Companies in China, 2015
Market Share of Major Micro Coaxial Cable Companies in China, 2018
Chinese Leaky Cable Market Capacity, 2011-2020E
China Smart Phone Shipments, 2009-2017
Global Mobile Phone Shipments, 2017-2022E
Global Notebook PC Shipments, 2012-2018
Global Automobile Output, 2006-2022E
Output and Sales Volume of Automobile in China, 2012-2022E
Number of Base Stations for Mobile Communication in China, 2016-2018
China Defense Budget, 2010-2018
Distribution of Belden’s Production Bases
Revenue and Net Income of Belden, 2009-2018
Financial Goals of Belden, 2017-2020E
Revenue Structure of Belden by Segment, 2015-2017
Revenue Structure of Belden by Region, 2015-2017
Gross Margin of Belden, 2015-2018
Belden’s Subsidiaries in China
Belden’s Revenue in China and YoY Growth, 2011-2017
Coaxial and Microwave/RF Cable Products of Gore
Global Layout of Habia
Development Course of Habia
Performance of Habia, 2013-2017
Revenue Structure of Habia by Segment, 2017
Revenue Structure of Habia by Region, 2017
Other Industries' Revenue Structure of Habia by Region, 2017
Global Layout of Amphenol
Revenue and Net Income of Amphenol, 2009-2018
Revenue of Amphenol by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Amphenol by Product, 2011-2018
Revenue of Amphenol by Region, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Amphenol by Region, 2011-2018
Major Subsidiaries of Amphenol in China
Amphenol’s Revenue in China and YoY Growth, 2011-2018
Mid-term Management Plan of Sumitomo, 2022E
Number of Subsidiaries and Plants of Sumitomo by Region by the end of Mar. 2018
Net Sales and Net Income of Sumitomo, FY2010-FY2018
Net Sales of Sumitomo by Region, FY2012-FY2018
Net Sales Structure of Sumitomo by Region, FY2012-FY2018
Net Sales of Sumitomo by Segment, FY2012-FY2018
Net Sales Structure of Sumitomo by Segment, FY2012-FY2018
Capital Investment of Sumitomo by Region and Segment, FY205-FY2018
R&D expenditures of Sumitomo by Segment, FY2016-FY2018
Sumitomo’s Sales in China, FY2010-FY2017
Business Presence of Sumitomo’s Subsidiaries in China
Development Course of CommScope
Revenue and Net Income of CommScope, 2010-2018
Revenue Structure of CommScope by Segment, 2014-2018
Revenue of CommScope by Region, 2014-2017
Revenue Structure of CommScope by Region, 2014-2017
Staff Distribution of Nexans, end-2017
Original Business Segment of Nexans
New Business Segment of Nexans
Revenue and Net Income of Nexans, 2009-2018
Revenue Structure of Nexans by Segment, 2017-2018
Nexans’ Presence in China
Nexans’ Development Course in China
3D Diagram for Business Development of HUBER+SUHNER, 2017
Equity Structure of HUBER+SUHNER
Global Presence of HUBER+SUHNER
Revenue and Net Income of HUBER+SUHNER, 2009-2018
Order Intake of HUBER+SUHNER, 2009-2018
Revenue Breakdown of HUBER+SUHNER by Product, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of HUBER+SUHNER by Product, 2013-2018
Order Intake of HUBER+SUHNER by Product, 2013-2018
Order Intake Structure of HUBER+SUHNER by Product, 2013-2018
Net Sales and Net Income of Hitachi Metals, FY2012-FY2018
Net Sales of Hitachi Metals by Segment, FY2014-FY2018
Net Sales Structure of Hitachi Metals by Segment, FY2014-FY2018
Net Sales of Hitachi Metals by Region, FY2014-FY2017
Net Sales Structure of Hitachi Metals by Region, FY2014-FY2017
Revenue of Cable-related Business of Hitachi Metals, FY2014-FY2018
Hitachi Metals’ Production Bases and Companies that Get Involved in Cable-related Business
Hitachi Metal's Presence in China
Revenue and Net Income of Kingsignal, 2009-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Kingsignal by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Kingsignal by Product, 2014-2018
Gross Margin of Kingsignal by Product, 2014-2018
Progress of Kingsignal’s Fundraising Projects, H1 2018
R&D Input and % of Kingsignal, 2013-2018
Output and Sales Volume of Communication Cable and Optical Cable of Kingsignal, 2013-2017
Revenue and Net Income of Hengxin Technology, 2009-2018
Revenue Structure of Hengxin Technology by Product, 2011-2018
Gross Margin of Hengxin Technology, 2011-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Revenue of Hengxin Technology, 2013-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Trigiant Group, 2011-2018
Revenue breakdown of Trigiant Group by Product, 2013-2018
Revenue Structure of Trigiant Group by Product, 2013-2018
Gross Margin of Trigiant Group, 2013-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Sales Volume of Trigiant Group, 2013-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Revenue of Trigiant Group, 2013-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Gross Margin of Trigiant Group, 2013-2018
Revenue and Nei Income of Shengyang Science and Technology, 2012-2018
Revenue of Shengyang Science and Technology by Region, 2015-2018
Revenue Structure of Shengyang Science and Technology by Region, 2015-2018
Gross Margin of Shengyang Science and Technology, 2014-2017
Gross Margin of Shengyang Science and Technology by Region, 2014-2017
R&D Investment of Shengyang Science and Technology, 2015-2018
Revenue of RF Coaxial Cable of Shengyang Science and Technology, 2015-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Output and Sales Volume of Shengyang Science and Technology, 2014-2017
Revenue and Net Income of Zhongtian RF Cable, 2009-2018
Coaxial Cable Output and Sales Volume of Zhongtian RF Cable, 2012-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Zhongling Radio Communications, 2013-2018
Development Course of Zhuhai Hansen Technology
Revenue and Net Income of Shenyu Communication, 2013-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Revenue of Shenyu Communication, 2015-2018
RF Coaxial Cable Output and Sales Volume of Shenyu Communication, 2013-2017
R&D Investment of Shenyu Communication, 2013-2018
IPO Fund-raising Projects of Shenyu Communication, 2016
Progress of Fund-raised Projects of Shenyu Communication, as of 2018H1
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