Forecast on global spending on medicines

   Date:2013/12/16     Source:

Developed markets will account for 57% of total spending, down from 73% in 2006. The U.S. share of global spending will decline from 41% in 2006 to 31% by 2016, largely due to patent expiries and slower brand growth. EU5 share of spending will decline to 13% in 2016, as slower economic growth prompts more aggressive cost containment measures. Pharmerging markets surpassed EU5 in total spending in 2010 and will reach 30% of global spending in 2016, as millions more people gain access to basic medicines. Japan will retain 10% of drug spending in 2016, essentially unchanged except for the impact of the biennial price cuts expected in 2012, 2014 and 2016.

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