China Car Sharing Industry Report, 2016-2020
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With a boom in sharing economy, car sharing companies represented by Zipcar, Uber, Getaround, and Car2go have flourished, pushing forward the development of car sharing around the world.

Fully-developed car sharing in foreign countries is primarily divided into three models: car-hailing apps, P2P car rental, and timeshare rental with the first represented by Uber, Lyft, and Ola Cabs, the middle Getaround, Turo, and Flightcar, and the latter Zipcar, Car2go, NriveNow, and Autolib.

Uber, the world’s largest car-hailing app player, has so far obtained a dozen rounds of financing and now is valued at USD60 billion. The company has penetrated into a total of 447 cities in countries consisting of the United States, China, India, Singapore, Malaysia, etc.

The Chinese car sharing market is still in the phase of rapid growth but has showed huge potential. A series of laws & regulations and policies, including the Guidance on Promoting Green Consumption and the Guidance on Promoting the Development of New Energy Vehicle Timeshare Sector in Shanghai, have been introduced by the central government and local authorities so as to regulate and encourage the development of car sharing industry.

Car-hailing apps: A competitive landscape with DidiChuxing, YidaoYongche, Uber, ShenzhouZhuanche, 51 Yongche, Dida Pinche, and TiantianYongche as major players have taken shape in the Chinese car-hailing apps market. Orders for car-hailing services totaled about 2 billion in China in 2015, including 1.43 billion or 71.5% of the total amount from DidiChuxing, followed by Uber with a percentage of 18.3%.

DidiChuxing, a result of the merger between DidiDache and KuaidiDache, combines their own advantages. Having raised more than USD5 billion, it is the largest domestic car-hailing app platform in China valued at USD20 billion. The number of drivers connected to the platform had exceeded 14 million and registered users amounted to 250 million by the end of 2015.

P2P car rental: With PP Zuche rolling out its services in China, PP car rental platforms like Atzuche, UU Cars, Baojia, and KuaikuaiZuche have sprung up around China.

P2P car rental firms now rely heavily on financing for capital to expand business scope and grab customers. PP Zuche, with the largest amount of financing, got RMB500 million in financing in Sept 2015, the largest one in P2P car rental market.

Timeshare: With growing heat-up of new-energy vehicle timeshare, localities have been active in developing new energy vehicle timeshare rental sector. And, new energy vehicle timeshare programs are being carried out in dozens of cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Shenzhen.

Propelled by favorable policies, carmakers, telematics enterprises, and Internet firms have flooded into the field. In addition, P2P car rental company- UU Cars announced in Oct 2015 that it would transform to timeshare model, plan to put 1,000 vehicles into operation by the end of 2015 and raise the figure to more than 6,000 units in the first half of 2016.

Major timeshare rental companies include Feezu, YiyiZuche, EVCard, WK Zuche, Soda, and EkaZuche. In addition, BAIC BJEV have launched GreenGo timeshare program, SAIC Motor E-sharing car, GeelyWeigongjiao, LifanPand-Auto, and Shou Qi Group Gofun.

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The Chinese car sharing market will still be complementarily composed of car-hailing app firms, P2P car rental companies, and timeshare enterprises in the future.

Car-hailing apps market will be dominated by comprehensive mobile platforms represented by DidiChuxing and Uber; P2P car rental market will be further regulated with only two to three players surviving fierce competition; blossoming timeshare market will grow more mature under the joint efforts of market participants.

China Car Sharing Industry Report, 2016-2020 highlights the followings:
20120114.gifGlobal car sharing industry (development course, status quo, market segments (status quo, competitive landscape));
20120114.gifChina’s car sharing industry (status quo of development, competitive landscape, and development trends of market segments (car-hailing apps, P2P car rental, timeshare));
20120114.gif11 global and 24 domestic car sharing-related companies (profile, financing, and developments).

1. Overview
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Business Model

2. Development of Global Car Sharing Industry
2.1 Development Course
2.2 Status Quo
2.3 Taxi-hailing Apps Market
2.4 Car Sharing Market
2.4.1 P2P Car Rental Market
2.4.2 Timeshare Rental Market

3. Development of China Car Sharing Industry
3.1 Status Quo
3.2 Taxi-hailing Apps Market
3.2.1 Current Development
3.2.2 Competitive Landscape
3.2.3 DidiChuxingVS Uber
3.3 Car Rental Market
3.4 P2P Car Rental Market
3.4.1 Current Development
3.4.2 Competitive Landscape
3.5 Timeshare Rental Market
3.5.1 Current Development
3.5.2 Competitive Landscape
3.6 Driving Force for the Development of Car Sharing Market
3.6.1 Problem of Road Congestion in Traffic in China
3.6.2 Problem of Difficult Hailing a Taxi in Traffic in China
3.6.3 National Policy Support for the Development of Car Sharing Industry
3.7 Development Trends
3.7.1 Oligopolistic Competition in Taxi-hailing Apps Market
3.7.2 Gradual Standardization of P2P Car Rental Market
3.7.3 Blooming of TimeshareRental Market

4. Major Overseas Companies
4.1 Uber
4.1.1 Profile
4.1.2 Development History
4.1.4 Development in China
4.2 Lyft
4.2.1 Profile
4.2.2 Financing
4.2.3 Development in China
4.3 Zipcar
4.3.2 Development History
4.3.3 Fleet
4.4 Car2go
4.4.2 Development History
4.4.3 Development in China
4.5 Getaround
4.5.1 Profile
4.5.2 Financing
4.6 Turo
4.6.1 Profile
4.6.2 Financing
4.7 DriveNow
4.7.1 Profile
4.7.2 Dynamics
4.7.3 Development in China
4.8 Flightcar
4.8.1 Profile
4.8.2 Financing
4.9 Ola Cabs
4.9.1 Profile
4.9.2 Financing
4.9.3 Dynamics
4.10 GrabTaxi
4.10.1 Profile
4.10.2 Financing
4.10.3 Dynamics
4.11 Autolib
4.11.1 Profile
4.11.2 Dynamics

5. Major Chinese Companies
5.1 DidiChuxing (
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Development History
5.1.3 Financing
5.1.4 Preferential Policy
5.1.5 Dynamics
5.2 YidaoYongche (
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Development History
5.2.3 Financing
5.2.4 Dynamics
5.3 ShenzhouZhuanche (
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Development History
5.3.3 Financing
5.3.4 Preferential Policy
5.4 PP Zuche(
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Development History
5.4.3 Financing
5.4.4 Dynamics
5.5 UU Cars (
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Financing
5.5.3 Dynamics
5.6 Baojia (
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Financing
5.6.3 Dynamics
5.7 AT Zuche (
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Financing
5.7.3 Dynamics
5.8 KuaikuaiZuche (
5.8.1 Profile
5.8.2 Financing
5.8.3 Dynamics
5.9 Feezu (
5.9.1 Profile
5.9.2 Financing
5.9.3 Dynamics
5.10 Yiyizuche (
5.10.1 Profile
5.10.2 Financing
5.10.3 Dynamics
5.11 EVCard (
5.11.1 Profile
5.11.2 Dynamics
5.12 WK Zuche (
5.12.1 Profile
5.12.2 Financing
5.13 Soda (
5.13.1 Profile
5.13.2 Dynamics
5.14 Weigongjiao (
5.14.1 Profile
5.14.2 Dynamics
5.15 Ekazuche (
5.15.1 Profile
5.15.2 Dynamics
5.16 EVRental (
5.16.1 Profile
5.16.2 Dynamics
5.17 Chefenxiang (
5.17.1 Profile
5.17.2 Dynamics
5.18 GreenGo (
5.18.1 Profile
5.18.2 Dynamics
5.19 Esharing Car (
5.19.1 Profile
5.19.2 Dynamics
5.20 51yongche (
5.20.1 Profile
5.20.2 Financing
5.21 Dida Pinche (
5.21.1 Profile
5.21.2 Financing
5.22 TiantianYongche (
5.22.1 Profile
5.22.2 Financing
5.23 Others
5.23.1 Dearho (
5.23.2 Eakay (
Business Type and Operation Model of Car-sharing in China
The World’s Major Car-sharing Related Enterprises
Characteristics of Taxi-hailing App Service
Contrast of the World’s Major Taxi-hailing Apps
Financing Situation of Uber
Major Competitors of Uber in the World
Financing Situation of Lyft
Global Car Rental Market Size, 2014-2020E
P2P Car Rental Process
Contrast of the World’s Major P2P Car Rental Enterprises
Contrast of the Financing Situation of the World’s Major P2P Car Rental Enterprises
Characteristics of Timeshare Car Rental
Contrast of the World’s Major Timeshare Rental Enterprises
Contrast of Timeshare Rental Projects Launched by the World’s Major Car Manufacturers
Technical Strength Contrast between Global and Chinese Timeshare Rental Suppliers
Rental Process Contrast between Global and Chinese Timeshare Rental Suppliers
Development History of Chinese Sharing Economy
China’s Main Areas of Sharing Economy
Development History of Chinese Taxi-hailing APP Market
Taxi-hailing APP Service Users under Specific Occasions as a Percentage of Chinese Netizens
Order Quantity of Chinese Taxi-hailing APP Market, 2015-2020E
Average Daily Order Volume of Special Cars in China, 2014-2015
Contrast of Major Taxi-hailing APPs in China
China Taxi-hailing APP Rankings, 2015
China Taxi-hailing APP Market Order Share, 2015
China Taxi-hailing APP Market Order Share, 2020E
Subsidy Trend of Major Taxi-hailing APP Platforms in China, 2015
Financing Situation of DidiChuxing
Operating Conditions of DidiChuxing, 2015
SWOT Analysis of DidiChuxing
SWOT Analysis of Uber in the Chinese Market
China’s Car Rental Market Size, 2012-2020E
Car Rental Market Penetrations by Country, 2015
Contrast between P2P Mode and B2C Mode
Major P2P Car Rental Enterprises in China
Financing Situation of Major P2P Car Rental Enterprises in China
Advantages of Timeshare Rental over P2P Car Rental
EVCard Membership and Orders, Jan-Jul 2015
Contrast of Major Timeshare Rental Projects in China
Timeshare Rental Projects of Major Car Manufacturers in China
Charging Standards of Major Timeshare Rental Enterprises in China
China’s Car Ownership and Growth, 2008-2015
Peak Congestion Delay Index of Major Cities in China
Per Car Road Area of Major Cities in China
Contrast of the Taxi Number per Ten Thousand People in Major Cities at Home and Abroad
Rankings of Most Difficult Taxi-hailing Cities in China, 2015
Taxi-hailing Success Rate of Typical Cities in China
China’s Car-sharing Relevant Policies, 2015-2016
Expansion Process of Uber
Financing Situation of Uber
Uber’s Development in China
Lyft’s Three Specifications of Services
Financing Situation of Lyft
Zipcar Use Steps
Main Layout Areas of Car2go
Business Model of Turo
Main Layout Cities of DriveNow
Financing Situation of Ola Cabs
Financing Situation of GrabTaxi
Autolib Service Fees and Use Fees
Development History of KuaidiDache
Development History of DiDiDaChe
Development History of DiDiChuxing
Financing Situation of DiDiDaChe
Financing Situation of KuaidiDache
Preferential Policies of KuaidiDache
Main Preferential Policies of DiDiDaChe
Development History of YidaoYongche
Preferential Policies of YidaoYongche
Main Preferential Policies of ShenzhouZhuanche
Revenue of ShenzhouZhuanche, 2014-2015
Operation Cost of ShenzhouZhuanche, 2014-2015
Sales of ShenzhouZhuanche’s Top 5 Customers, 2014-2015
Procurement of ShenzhouZhuanche’s Top 5 Suppliers, 2014-2015
Major Contracts Signed by ShenzhouZhuanche’sOperation Main Body, 2015-2016
Car Rental Process of PP Zuche
Development History of PP Zuche
Financing Situation of PP Zuche
Primary Services of UU Zuche
Financing Situation of UU Zuche
Advantages of Timeshare Rental over P2P Mode
Financing Situation of Baojia
Financing Situation of AT Zuche
Service Process of WK Zuche
Financing Situation of WK Zuche
Introduction to Weigongjiao’s Time-sharing Rental Business
Introduction to Weigongjiao’s Long-term Personal Rental Business 
Process of Ekazuche
Cars and Prices of Ekazuche
Layout of Chefenxiang
Charges of Chefenxiang
Time-sharing Rental Charging Standard of GreenGo
Long-term Rental Product Charging Standard of GreenGo
Charging Standard of Esharing Car
Charging Standard of 51yongche in Major Cities
Financing Situation of 51yongche
Car-sharing Process of Dida Pinche
Financing Situation of Dida Pinche
Financing Situation of TiantianYongche
Business Weight of Beijing Sharetimes Science and Technology Co., Ltd
Infrastructure of Dearho
Solutions of Dearho

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