Global and China VR and AR Industry Report, 2016-2020
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Global and China VR and AR Industry Report, 2016-2020 by ResearchInChina highlights the followings:
20120114.gifClassification, composition, operating principles, and applications of VR/AR products;
20120114.gifVR/AR industry chain, primarily four links (output & input hardware devices, components (chips & vendors, display, sensors, Pico devices), operating systems, software algorithms & contents);
20120114.gifGlobal VR/AR market (status quo, market size, shipments, technical patent, development bottlenecks, and trends);
20120114.gifChinese VR/AR market (status quo, competitive landscape, market size, shipments, consumer environment consumer environments, and trends);
20120114.gifFive foreign VR/AR companies and six domestic VR/AR players (products, VR/AR business, etc.)

VR, which provides immersive closed-loop experience, can only be used to a limited extent due to the size and weight of head-mounted devices, and will still be the main force of the market before consumer-grade AR products are achieved in the aspects of technology and prices of hardware. However, it is expected AR hardware and technology will be fully mature and quickly capture VR market in 2019 because of its wide applicability in business market. Hence, global VR/AR market will reach USD970 million and USD500 million in 2016 and USD30 billion and USD90.8 billion in 2020, respectively.

VR products can be categorized into three kinds (desktop, immersive, and distributed) and are applied to fields covering game, event live streaming, social experience, VR business, medical & healthcare, bodybuilding, advertorial & sponsored content, entertainment & film, communications, training & teaching simulation, and tourism.

Today’s AR hardware is typically implemented in three ways: head-mounted displays, hand-held displays, and world-fixed displays by the distance away from eyes, with the first the most commonly seen. AR technology now is primarily applied to industrial manufacturing, repair, healthcare, military, television relaying, games entertainment, education, relic restoration, tourism exhibition, and municipal construction planning, chiefly for commercial use.

VR Trends:

  • Gradually-formed industrial standards raise access threshold, thus eliminating less competitive teams and companies;
  • Large companies gradually build perfect VR ecosystem;
  • PC VR products, primarily games and movies, will be targeted at expert players and game enthusiasts;
  • Mobile VR products gradually move into business fields like education and tourism;
  • The number of content development teams will increase, and the scope of VR contents will broaden.

AR Trends:

  • Display devices become smaller, and any plane can be bent into a screen;
    Fusion of AR technology and 3D visualization technology and projection technology brings about disruptive changes to navigation;
  • Seamless docking between data visualization and users’ wearable devices;
  • Gesture interaction becomes more mature; the relationship between human and technology will be redefined; human body language will interact well with technology products;
  • Touch technology will usher in great progress and get applied to national defense, administration and law enforcement, and healthcare;
  • Smart showroom, smart tourism, and AR theme park will develop or be presented before target audiences on the original basis;
  • Intelligent glasses will be the mainstream trend of AR hardware, bracing the upcoming era of “de-cellphone-ization”;
  • AR software will be more oriented toward consumer groups, growing daily in the aspects of shopping, entertainment, and education.

Global VR/AR Market Size, 2016-2020 
 VR AR 英文_副本.png
Source: ResearchInChina

1 Overview of VR/AR
1.1 Definition of VR/AR/MR
1.2 Classification and Difference of VR/AR
1.2.1 Classification of VR
1.2.2 Classification of AR
1.3 Composition of VR/AR
1.3.1 Composition of VR System
1.3.2 Composition of AR System
1.4 Operating Principles of VR/AR
1.4.1 Operating Principle of VR
1.4.2 Operating Principle of AR
1.5 Application of VR/AR

2 VR/AR Industry Chain
2.1 Output/Input Hardware Devices
2.1.1 Output Devices of VR
2.1.2 Input Devices of VR
2.2 Components
2.2.1 Video Processing Chip
2.2.2 Chip Vendors
2.2.3 Display
2.2.4 Sensor
2.2.5 Micro-projection Device
2.3 Operating System and Software Algorithim
2.4 Content

3 Global VR/AR Market
3.1 Status Quo
3.2 Market Size
3.3 Shipments
3.4 Technical Patents
3.5 Development Bottlenecks
3.6 Development Trends

4 Major Global VR/AR Companies
4.1 Oculus
4.1.1 Profile
4.1.2 VR/AR Products
4.1.3 Market Share
4.1.4 Pain Points of Users
4.2 Google
4.2.1 Profile
4.2.2 VR/AR Products
4.3 HTC
4.3.1 Profile
4.3.2 VR/AR Products
4.3.3 Operation
4.3.4 Shipments
4.4 SONY
4.4.1 Profile
4.4.2 VR/AR Products
4.4.3 Operation
4.5 Meta
4.5.1 Profile
4.5.2 VR/AR Products

5 Chinese VR/AR Market
5.1 Status Quo
5.2 Competitive Landscape
5.3 Market Size
5.4 Shipments
5.5 Consumer Environments
5.6 Development Trends

6 Major Chinese VR/AR Enterprises
6.1 Beijing Baofeng Mojing Technology Co., Ltd.
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 VR/AR Products
6.2 LeEco
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 VR/AR Products
6.2.3 Operation
6.2.4 VR Business
6.3 Jingweidu Technology Co., Ltd.
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 VR/AR Products
6.4 Lenovo Group
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 AR Products
6.4.3 VR/AR Business
6.5 HiScene (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 AR Products
6.6 Beijing VR-TIME Technology Co., Ltd.
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 VR/AR Products
VR Experience
Development History of VR
AMC Models in VR Device Market
Main Features of AR
Application of AR in Life
Development History of AR
AMC Models in AR Industry
Desktop VR System Structure
Immersive VR System Structure
Development History of Distributed VR
Three Implementation Ways of AR (Head-mounted, Hand-held, World-fixed)
Principle Diagram of Retinal Displays
Video Head-mounted Display Technology
Optical Head-mounted Display Technology
Applications of AR in Cellphones and Tablets
Transparent Hand-held AR Devices
World-fixed Display AR
Differences of VR and AR
Components of VR System
Composition of Head-mounted Display Device
Composition of VR Head-mounted Display Device
Architecture of AR System
Composition of AR System
Key Technologies for AR Hardware
Fundamentals of VR Technology
Principle of VR Binocular Stereovision
Principle of VR Glasses-Covex Lens Imaging
Principle of AR Technology
Applications of VR
Applications of VR
VR/AR Ecosystem
Representative VR/AR Hardware Devices
Composition of VR/AR Hardware Device
Indicators of VR Head-mounted Display Device
Classification of VR Head-mounted Devices
VR Glasses Box
VR Resource Library of BaofengMojing
Head-mounted VR Output Products at Home and Abroad
Oculus Rift Head-mounted Device
Foreign and Domestic PC VR Helmets
Uranus One
Domestic VR AIO Products
Motion-capture VR Devices
Motion-control VR Devices
Comparison of Major VR Head-mounted Display Device Companies’ Solutions for Motion Input Devices
Roadmap for Data Processing and Transmission of Video-processing Chip 
Requirements on VR Device Released by NVIDIA
Four New Functions of AMD LiquidVR? Technology
Video Processing Capacity of Qualcomm Snapdragon 820
New Features of Adreno 530
H8 Chip Solution of Allwinner Technology
RK3288 VR Solution
VR Device Time-lapse Factors (%)
Mainstream VR Products Adopting AMOLED Display
Global AMOLED Capacity Structure, 2011-2015
AMOLED Capacity of Major Enterprises in China
Diagram of Functional Architecture of Microsoft Kinect
Data Acquisition and Modeling Recognition of Microsoft Kinect
Laser Transmitters of Lighthouse
Operation Diagram of Lighthouse System
Diagram of FOVE Eye-tracking System
Interaction Steps of FOVE
Foreign IT Giants’ Footprint in VR/AR Sensor Technology
Operating Principle of G-mition
Operating Principle of Optical AR
Operating Principle of Video AR
Principle Diagram of Google Glass
Projection Principles of LCD and LCOS
Development of Major Global LCOS Chip Makers’ LCOS Technology 
Projection Principles of DLP
DLP Pico0.47-inch TRP Full-HD 1080p Chipset
Performance of LCD, LCOS, and DLP
Google’s and Microsoft’s Moves on VR Operating System
Main Underlying Algorithms for VR Devices
Production Process of VR Game
Major VR Game Development Teams at Home and Abroad
Major VR Content Platforms at Home and Abroad
Future Content Distribution Models
Global VR/AR Technology Maturity Curve
Global VR/AR Companies’ Progress in Research into Head-mounted Display Device
Slower Penetration of VR/AR than Smartphone and Tablet Worldwide
Major Participants in VR Industry Worldwide
Key Technology Firms Involved in VR
Main Head-mounted AR Products Worldwide
Global VR/AR Market Size, 2016-2020E
VR/AR Market Share Structure, 2020E
Global VR/AR Hardware Shipments, 2016-2020E
Global VR Hardware Shipments by Consumer Group, 2020E
Global AR Hardware Shipments by Consumer Group, 2020E
Global VR Technology Patents by Company
Global AR Patent Application, 1995-2015
Major Generators of AR Technologies Worldwide
Target Nations of AR Technologies
Current Development Bottlenecks of VR
Current Development Bottlenecks of AR
Indicators and Development Trends of VR Head-mounted Device
Development Trends of AR Industry
Product Releases of Oculus
Specifications of Oculus Rift DK2
Oculus Rift DK2- Motherboard Chip
Oculus Rift DK2- HDMI Cable Chip
Oculus Rift DK2- Display Panel Chip
Oculus Rift DK2- Camera Motherboard Chip
Specifications of Oculus Rift CV1
Oculus Rift CV1- Motherboard Chip
Oculus Rift CV1- AMOLED and On-screen Touch
Oculus Rift CV1- Optical Lens
Oculus Rift CV1- Infrared Camera Disassembly
Oculus Rift CV1- LED Driver Chip
Specifications of Gear VR
Internal Component Chips of Gear VR
Market Share of Oculus’s Products, Apr-Jun 2016
Google’s Presence in VR/AR
Specifications of Google Glass
Google Glass- Side Touch Module
Google Glass- Master CPU Board
Google Glass- Battery
Google Cardboard
Product Development History of HTC
HTC’s Presence in VR/AR
Specifications of HTC Vive
HTC Vive- Sensor
HTC Vive- Front Camera
HTC Vive- Motherboard Chip
HTC Vive- Display Panel and Lens
HTC Vive- Handle
HTC Vive- Handle Microcontroller and Battery
HTC Vive- Handle Motherboard Chip
Lighthouse- Positioning Base Station
Lighthouse- Motherboard Chip
Revenue of HTC, 2012-2015
R&D Expenditure of HTC, 2014-2016Q1
Data on Steamspy Platform
Parameters of SONY PlayStation VR 
Outline of Main Functions of SONY PlayStation VR
Advantages and Disadvantages of PS VR and Oculus Rift and HTC Vive
Operation of Sony, FY2012-FY2016
Development History of Meta
Parameters of Meta Pro
Parameters of Meta 1
Parameters of Meta 2
Corporate Customers of Meta
Serious Lack of Clients and Technologies
Major Domestic Suppliers of VR Products
Profit Models of VR Industry in China
Status Quo of VR Industry at Home and Abroad
AR Industry Chain in China
Financing in VR Industry in China, 2014-2016
Number of VR/AR Brands in China, 2016H1
Competitive Landscape of Main VR Products in China
VR/AR Brand Awareness in China by Quarter, 2016H1
VR/AR Product Awareness in China (TOP 15), 2016H1
VR User Scale in China, 2016-2020E
Chinese VR Hardware Device Market Size, 2016-2020E
Chinese AR Hardware Device Market Size, 2016-2020E
VR Hardware Device Shipments in China, 2016-2020E
AR Hardware Device Shipments in China, 2016-2020E
VR User Scale in China
Use Frequency of VR Heavy User
Daily Use Duration of VR Heavy User
Content Preference of VR Heavy Users in China
Video Content Preference of VR Heavy Users in China
Type of Tourist Areas Preferred by VR Heavy Users in China
Type of VR Devices to Be Purchased by VR Heavy Users Next Year
VR Application Sectors Interesting VR Heavy/Light Users
VR Application Scenarios Interesting VR Heavy/Light Users
VR/AR Product Awareness in China by Product, 2016H1
Fixed-point Devices Focusing More on Strong Interactive & Immersive Experience
Development Direction of Mobile VR Device
Trends of Classification of VR Scenarios
VR/AR Will Promote Development of Communication System
Equity Structure of BaofengMojing
Advantages of BaofengMojing
Product Releases of BaofengMojing
Parameters of BaofengMojing 5
STORM 5- USB Chipset
Parameters of LeEco Super Helmet
LeEco Super Helmet- Motherboard Chip
LeEco Super Helmet- LCD
Operation of LeEco, 2011-2016H2
LeEco’s Presence in VR Ecosystem
Parameters of 3Glasses D1 Developer Version
Parameters of 3Glasses D2 Pioneer Version
Parameters of 3Glasses Blubur S1
Parameters of Lenovo NBD VUZIX M100 Intelligent Glasses
Investments in HiScene
Parameters of HiAR Glasses
Some Partners of HiAR SDK
Ownership Structure of LING VR
Parameters of LING VR BAI 1S
LING VR Handle
Parameters of LING VR HEI

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