China NVH (System, Parts, Materials) Industry Report, 2017-2021
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Automotive NVH parts can be divided into shock absorber and noise reduction products, of which the former covers rubber shock absorber and spring vibration damper, while the latter includes soundproof products and sealing products.
1) The Market of Rubber Shock Absorbers
With steady development of Chinese automobile industry, the market size of rubber shock absorbers grew as well. In 2016, the Chinese market size of rubber shock absorbers was approximately RMB21.367 billion, of which OEM accounted for 74.3% and AM 25.7%. In the next five years, the market size of rubber shock absorbers in China will still present steady growth, but with a slowdown in growth rate.

 nvh en_副本.png

Currently, there are only around 50 manufacturers of automotive rubber shock absorber that have tapped into the passenger car OEM market, and a few of them are capable of synchronous R&D, system integration and batch supply. Some medium and high-end automotive rubber dampers still rely on imports from abroad. Nowadays, the local powerful companies mainly consist of Tuopu Group, Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts, Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology, JX Zhao’s Group Corp, and so forth.

2) The Market of Soundproof Products
In 2016, the market size of soundproof products in China reported RMB26.695 billion or so, including RMB24.4 billion from soundproof products for passenger cars. In the upcoming five years, the market size of soundproof products in China will surge to RMB32.395 billion in 2021, along with the steady development of Chinese automobile market.

So far, there have been over 100 producers of automotive soundproof products in China, and the key competitors involve Tuopu Group, Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology, Changshu Automotive Trim, Shanghai Car Carpet Plant, etc.

Tuopu Group is the leader in the market of vibration damper and soundproof products for OEM cars in China, with customers such as SAIC-GM, Geely, and Changan Ford. In 2016, the company’s output and sales volume of rubber shock absorbers reached 4.0802 million sets and 3.8997 million sets, respectively; and output and sales volume of soundproof products was up to 1.9133 million sets and 1.7334 million sets, respectively.

From 2008 to 2016, Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts successively acquired the leading players in the NVH industry like American AB, BRP, MRP, COOPER, ACUSHNET, German KACO, WEGU, TFH, French FM Seal, and Swiss Green Motion SA, and brought the upgrading of products into reality and explored the overseas market in a bid to further sharpen its competitiveness.

Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology accessed into the NVH field by acquiring German BOGE. In 2016, company’s NVH business revenue reached RMB5.778 billion, up 9.8% year on year mainly because BOGE’s new product plastic pedal case received large orders from Volkswagen and Porsche and active control vibration damper engine strut gained Audi’s orders worth EUR6 million.

China NVH (System, Parts, Materials) Industry Report, 2017-2021 mainly highlights the following:
20120114.gifCurrent situation, system integration, competitive landscape, development trend, etc. of Chinese automotive NVH market;
20120114.gifMarket size, competitive pattern, etc of NVH parts in China (rubber shock absorbers, soundproof products, sealing products);
20120114.gifUpstream and downstream of Chinese NVH industry;
20120114.gif10 NVH companies (profile, operation, customers, NVH business, etc.)

1 Overview of NVH
1.1 Definition
1.2 Classification
1.3 Production Technology
1.3.1 Shock Absorber Products
1.3.2 Sound Insulation Products
1.4 Industry Chain

2 Overview of NVH Market
2.1 Industry Policy
2.2 Development
2.3 System Integration
2.3.1 Global Market
2.3.2 Chinese Market
2.4 Competitive Landscape
2.5 Industry Barrier
2.6 Development Trend

3 NVH Parts Market
3.1 Rubber Shock Absorber Products
3.1.1 Overview
3.1.2 Market Size
3.1.3 Competitive Landscape
3.2 Sound Insulation Products
3.2.1 Overview
3.2.2 Market Size
3.2.3 Competitive Landscape
3.2.4 Development Trend
3.3 Seal Products
3.3.1 Market Size
3.3.2 Competitive Landscape

4 Upstream Raw Material Market
4.1 Rubber
4.1.1 Rubber Products
4.1.2 Natural Rubber
4.1.3 Synthetic Rubber
4.2 Polyurethane
4.2.1 Global Market
4.2.2 Chinese Market
4.3 Polypropylene
4.4 Polyethylene

5 Downstream Demand Market
5.1 Auto Parts Market
5.1.1 Industry Characteristics
5.1.2 Development
5.1.3 Industry Operation
5.1.4 Import and Export
5.2 Automobile Market
5.2.1 Global
5.2.2 China

6 Key Chinese NVH Enterprises
6.1 Tuopu Group
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Industrial Layout
6.1.3 Products, Technologies, and Solutions
6.1.4 NVH Business
6.1.5 Supported Customers
6.1.6 Suppliers
6.1.7 R&D
6.1.8 Product Production and Sales
6.1.9 Core Competitiveness
6.1.10 Operation
6.2 Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts Co., Ltd.
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Industrial Layout
6.2.3 R&D
6.2.4 Denotative Expansion
6.2.5 Zhongding Damping Rubber Technology Co., Ltd.
6.2.6 Operation
6.3 Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Industrial Layout
6.3.3 Products, Technologies, and Solutions
6.3.4 Customers
6.3.5 NVH Business
6.3.6 Operation
6.4 Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials Co., Ltd.
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Industrial Layout
6.4.3 Products, Technologies, and Solutions
6.4.4 R&D
6.4.5 Supported Customers
6.4.6 Suppliers
6.4.7 NVH Business
6.4.8 Operation
6.5 Changshu Automotive Trim Co., Ltd.
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Industrial Layout
6.5.3 Product and Supported Customers
6.5.4 Operation
6.6 ASIMCO NVH Technologies Co., Ltd. (Anhui)
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Industrial Layout
6.6.3 Supported Customers
6.7 JX Zhao’s Group Corp.
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Development History
6.7.3 Product and Supported Customers
6.8 Shanghai Car Carpet Plant Co., Ltd.
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Industrial Layout
6.8.3 Product and Supported Customers
6.8.4 Operation
6.9 Huayu-Cooper Standard Sealing Systems Co., Ltd.
6.9.1 Profile
6.9.2 Product and Supported Customers
6.10 Beijing Wanyuan-Henniges Sealing Systems Co., Ltd.
6.10.1 Profile
6.10.2 Supported Customers
Transfer Path of Automotive Noise and Vibration
Classification of Automotive NVH Parts
NVH Industry Chain
Policies on Automotive NVH Industry in China
Development of NVH at Home and Abroad
NVH Development of Auto Makers in China
Revenue of Global Top 10 Auto Parts Manufacturers, 2016
China’s GDP, 2012-2017
Auto Production and YoY Growth, 2011-2017
AutoSales and YoY Growth, 2011-2017
Automotive Rubber Shock Absorber Products
OEM Market Capacity of NVH Rubber Shock Absorber Products in China, 2011-2021E
AM Market Capacity of NVH Rubber Shock Absorber Products in China, 2011-2021E
Market Size of Rubber Shock Absorber Products in China, 2011-2021E
Major Rubber Shock Absorber Product Manufacturers in China, 2016
Auto Body Parts Equipped with Sound Insulation Products
Classification of Automotive Sound Insulation Products
Introduction to Main Automotive Sound Insulation Products
Comparison of Commonly-used Automotive Sound Insulation Materials
OEM Market Capacity of NVH Sound Insulation Products in China, 2011-2021E
Major Sound Insulation Products Manufacturers in China, 2015
Market Capacity of NVH Sealing Products in China, 2011-2020E
Major Seals Suppliers and Supported Customers in China, 2015
Classification of Rubber Products
Overview of Main Automotive Non-tire Rubber Products
Global Top10 Non-tire Rubber Product Manufacturers and Their Sales, 2015
Output and Consumption of Natural Rubber in China, 2009-2016
Market Price of Natural Rubber (Standard Rubber and SCRWF) in China, 2015-2016 
Output and Apparent Consumption of Synthetic Rubber in China, 2009-2016
China’s Synthetic Rubber Import and Export Volume, 2009-2016
Polyurethane Products and Their Raw Materials and Applications
Global Polyurethane Product Demand, 2010-2016
Global Product Mix of Polyurethane Products by Demand, 2016
Global Regional Distribution of Polyurethane Products by Output, 2016
Global Demand for Car-used Polyurethane, 2011-2016
China’s Polyurethane Product Demand and YoY Growth, 2009-2016
Product Mix of Polyurethane Products in China by Demand, 2016
Market Size of Automotive Polyurethane in China, 2010-2016
Import and Export Volume of Polyurethane Resin in China, 2010-2016
Capacity of PP Facilities in China, 2006-2016
PP Output and Apparent Consumption in China, 2009-2016
China’s PP Import and Export Volume, 2009-2016
Market Price for PP (T30S) in China, 2014-2016 
PE Output and Apparent Consumption in China, 2009-2016
China’s PE Import and Export Volume, 2009-2016
Market Price for PE in China, 2014-2016 
Classification of Auto Parts
Difference Between OEM and AM Markets
OEM Auto Parts Supplier System
Supported Parts for Different Auto Brands
Operating Revenue and Growth Rate of Auto Parts in China, 2006-2016
Total Profits and Growth Rate of Auto Parts in China, 2006-2016
Import and Export Value of Auto Parts in China, 2013-2016
Global Automobile Output and Sales Volume, 2011-2016
China’s Automobile Output and Sales Volume, 2009-2016
Passenger Vehicle Ownership in China per Thousand Persons, 2009-2016
Tuopu’s Industrial Layout Worldwide
Tuopu’s Member Enterprises and Production Capacity
Tuopu’s Major Subsidiaries, 2016
Revenue and Net Income of Tuopu’s Major Subsidiaries, 2016
Distribution of Tuopu’s Automotive Rubber Shock Absorber Products in Vehicles
Distribution of Tuopu’s Automotive Sound Insulation Products in Vehicles
Revenue of Tuopu by Product, 2014-2016
Revenue Structure of Tuopu by Product, 2014-2016
Revenue of Tuopu by Region, 2013-2016
Revenue Structure of Tuopu by Region, 2013-2016
Gross Margin of Tuopu by Product, 2014-2016
Tuopu’s Major Customers
Tuopu’s Market Distribution and Supported Customers in China
Tuopu’s Global Market Distribution and Supported Customers
Tuopu’s Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2013-2016
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Tuopu’s Top 5 Customers, 2014
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Tuopu’s Top 5 Customers by Rubber Shock Absorber Products, 2014
Tuopu’s Sound Insulation Products and Supply Relationship, 2014
Tuopu’s New Orders from Shanghai GM, 2015-2017 
Tuopu’s Production Cost Structure of Rubber Shock Absorber Products, 2012-2014
Tuopu’s Production Cost Structure of Sound Insulation Products, 2012-2014
Tuopu’s Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2013-2016
Name List and Procurement of Tuopu’s Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2014
Tuopu’s R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue, 2013-2016
NVH Product Market Share of Tuopu, 2012-2014
Tuopu’s Rubber Shock Absorber Product Capacity and Output, 2012-2014
Tuopu’s Sound Insulation Products Capacity and Output, 2012-2014
Output, Sales Volume, and Growth Rate of Tuopu’s Main Products, 2016
Average Prices of Tuopu’s Rubber Shock Absorber Products and Sound Insulation Products, 2012-2014
Revenue and Net Income of Tuopu, 2011-2017Q1
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts, 2013-2016
Denotative Expansion of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts, 2008-2016
Revenue and Net Income of Zhongding Damping Rubber Technology, 2011-2016
Revenue and Net Income of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts, 2013-2017
Revenue Structure of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts by Product, 2013-2016
Revenue Structure of Anhui Zhongding Sealing Parts by Region, 2013-2016
Main Production Bases and Capacity of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology, 2015
Major Automotive Products of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology
Main Business Segments and Customers of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology
Automobile Revenue of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology, 2013-2016
Revenue and Net Income of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology, 2011-2017
Revenue Structure of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology by Segment, 2014-2016
Revenue Structure of Zhuzhou Times New Material Technology by Region, 2013-2016
Industrial Layout of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials
Subsidiaries of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials, 2016
Revenue and Net Income of Subsidiaries of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials, 2015-2016
Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials’ Two-component Sound-absorbing Cotton Application in Automobile
Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials’ PET Upright Cotton Application in Automobile PET
Foamed Polyethylene Insulation Pad Products of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials
R&D Costs and % of Total Revenue of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials, 2013-2016
Revenue from Top 5 Customers and % of Total Revenue of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials, 2013-2016
Name List and Revenue Contribution of Top 5 Customers of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials, 2015-2016
Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials’ Procurement from Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2013-2016
Name List and Procurement of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials’ Top 5 Suppliers and % of Total Procurement, 2015-2016
Revenue of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials by Product, 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials by Product, 2013-2015
Revenue of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials by Region, 2013-2015
Revenue Structure of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials by Region, 2013-2015
Gross Margin of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials by Product, 2013-2015
Revenue and Net Income of Wuhu Yuefei Sound-absorbing New Materials, 2013-2016
Main Products of Changshu Automotive Trim
Major Customers of Changshu Automotive Trim
Revenue and Net Income of Changshu Automotive Trim, 2013-2017Q1
Revenue Structure of Changshu Automotive Trim by Product, 2013-2016H1
Output, Sales Volume and Inventory of Main Products of Changshu Automotive Trim, 2016
Global Industrial Layout of ASIMCO
Development History of JX Zhao’s Group
Supported Auto Makers of JX Zhao’s Group
Parts Integrators of JX Zhao’s Group
Production Base Distribution of Shanghai Car Carpet Plant
Joint Venture Distribution of Shanghai Car Carpet Plant
Main Product Range of Shanghai Car Carpet Plant
Total assets and Net income of Shanghai Car Carpet Plant, 2013-2015
Major Customers and Their Vehicle Models of Beijing Wanyuan-Henniges Sealing Systems
Customer Distribution of Beijing Wanyuan-Henniges Sealing Systems

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