China End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) and Dismantling Industry Report, 2019-2025
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Automobile ownership showed a CAGR of 14.7% in China between 2010 and 2018, and it will continue to rise in the upcoming years, up to 379.2 million units as expected in 2025, despite a decline in both production and sales over the past two years due to the burgeoning car share and ride-hailing software markets.
In such a huge automotive market, Chinese end-of-life vehicle (ELV) and dismantling market springs up. As estimated, there were a total of 8 million end-of-life vehicles in China in 2018, with a scrap rate of 3.5%; but a mere 30% of them were recycled, far lower than virtually 80% in the developed countries. In the first eleven months of 2019, 1.739 million ELVs were recycled in China, a like-for-like spurt of 18.4%, and with the full-year recycling rate expectedly hitting 21%.
Among 731 Chinese car dismantling firms announced by the Ministry of Commerce of China on June 21, 2019, most are small sized with low annual recycling rate of ELVs and scattered resources, though a national ELV dismantling network has already taken shape. Nowadays, competitive Chinese players are Shenzhen GEM High-Tech, Jiangsu Huahong Technology, Miracle Automation, Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead, Tus-Sound Environmental Resources and Beijing Capital.
China’s scrap rate remains much lower than 6% to 8% in the developed countries, and a mere 0.5%-1% vehicles out of automobile ownership are recycled compared with a staggering 5%-7% in developed nations. That’s largely because ELV subsidies are directly given to vehicle owners but in small amount, and professional dismantling firms buy ELVs at a low price due to meager profit, which leads to an influx of scrapped cars to the black market which offers a higher price.
On April 22, 2019, the State Council announced the Measures for the Management of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling, a policy allowing the recycling and remanufacturing of “five assemblies” (engine assembly, steering assembly, transmission assembly, front and rear axles, and frame) which can be sold to enterprises with remanufacturing capabilities in the light of relevant national regulations.
Thanks to the above policy, ELV recycling and dismantling companies will be lucrative enough to compete with the black market. In the future, Chinese ELV and dismantling market will develop in an orderly manner, and the market size will be on a steady rise. The ELV and dismantling industry is hopefully to boom, with output value reporting RMB50 billion, scrap rate at 4.9% and recycling rate at 26.2% in 2025.
China End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) and Dismantling Industry Report, 2019-2025 highlights the following:
Global ELV and dismantling industry (overview, development in main countries, and typical companies);
China renewable resource industry (policy, status quo, import & export, product segments, and forecast);
China ELV and dismantling industry (policy, upstream sectors, overview, market size, competitive pattern, summary and forecast);
14 Chinese ELV and dismantling enterprises (operation, gross margin, ELV business and development strategy).
1. Overview of ELV & Dismantling Industry
1.1 Definition
1.2 Industry Chain
1.3 Auto Dismantling Process
1.4 Industry Barrier
2. Global ELV& Dismantling Industry
2.1 Overview
2.2 Development in Major Countries
2.2.1 USA
2.2.2 EU
2.2.3 Japan
2.3 Typical Player -- LKQ
3. China Renewable Resource Industry
3.1 Related Policies
3.2 Status Quo
3.3 Import & Export
3.3.1 Import
3.3.2 Export
3.4 Industry Segments
3.4.1 Iron and Steel Scraps
3.4.2 Nonferrous Metal Scraps
3.4.3 Waste Plastics
3.4.4 Waste Paper
3.4.5 Waste Electrical and Electronic Products
3.4.6 End-of-Life Motor Vehicles
3.4.7 Waste Textiles
3.4.8 Scrap Tire
3.4.9 Waste Battery
3.4.10 Waste Glass
3.5 Development Forecast
3.5.1 Iron and Steel Scraps Recycling Trend
3.5.2 Nonferrous Metal Scraps Recycling Trend
3.5.3 Waste Plastics Recycling Trend
3.5.4 Waste Paper Recycling Trend
3.5.5 Waste Electrical and Electronic Products Recycling Trend
3.5.6 End-of-Life Motor Vehicles Recycling Trend
3.5.7 Waste Textiles Recycling Trend
3.5.8 Scrap Tire Recycling Trend
3.5.9 Waste Battery Recycling Trend
3.5.10 Waste Glass Recycling Trend
4. China ELV & Dismantling Industry
4.1 Policy Environment
4.2 Downstream Industries
4.2.1 Output and Sales Volume of Automobile
4.2.2 Automobile Ownership
4.3 Development History
4.4 Industry Scale
4.5 Competitive Landscape
4.6 Summary and Forecast
5. Key Players
5.1 Shenzhen GEM High-Tech Co., Ltd.
5.1.1 Profile
5.1.2 Operation
5.1.3 Revenue Structure
5.1.4 Gross Margin
5.1.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.1.6 Development Strategy
5.2 Jiangsu Huahong Technology Co., Ltd.
5.2.1 Profile
5.2.2 Operation
5.2.3 Revenue Structure
5.2.4 Gross Margin
5.2.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.2.6 Development Strategy
5.3 Miracle Automation Engineering Co., Ltd.
5.3.1 Profile
5.3.2 Operation
5.3.3 Revenue Structure
5.3.4 Gross Margin
5.3.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.3.6 Development Strategy
5.4 Henan Yuguang Gold & Lead Co., Ltd.
5.4.1 Profile
5.4.2 Operation
5.4.3 Revenue Structure
5.4.4 Gross Margin
5.4.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.4.6 Development Strategy
5.5 Yechiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd.
5.5.1 Profile
5.5.2 Operation
5.5.3 Revenue Structure
5.5.4 Gross Margin
5.5.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.5.6 Development Strategy
5.6 Tus-Sound Environmental Resources Co., Ltd.
5.6.1 Profile
5.6.2 Operation
5.6.3 Revenue Structure
5.6.4 Gross Margin
5.6.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.6.6 Development Strategy
5.7 Beijing Capital Co., Ltd.
5.7.1 Profile
5.7.2 Operation
5.7.3 Revenue Structure
5.7.4 Gross Margin
5.7.5 ELV & Dismantling Business
5.8 Others
5.8.1 Shanghai KIMKEY Environmental S&T Co., Ltd.
5.8.2 Shanghai Xinzhuang Auto Dismantling Co., Ltd.
5.8.3 Baosteel Resources Limited
5.8.4 Anhui Win-win Renewable Resources Group
5.8.5 Chongqing Auto Scrap (Group) Co., Ltd.
5.8.6 Shenzhen End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Co., Ltd.
5.8.7 Shenyang Qiushi End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Co., Ltd
ELV & Dismantling Industry Chain
Auto Dismantling Process Flowchart
Average Annual Processing Capacity of Dismantling Enterprises in Major Countries
Average Annual Processing Capacity of Crushing Enterprises in Major Countries
Subsidies on Motor Vehicle Liquidation in Major Countries
Policies on Vehicle Dismantling in Major Countries
Development Course of USA Automobile Industry
Five Categories of Parts in Automobile Recycling Market in USA
Laws and Regulations on U.S. ELV & Dismantling Industry
Dismantling Industry Overview of U.S. ELV
Laws and Regulations on ELV Processing in EU and Major Countries
Number of ELVs in EU and Major Countries, 2013
Service Life of Japanese Cars, 2007-2016
Number of Auto Dismantling and Crushing Enterprises in Japan, 2010-2013
Development Course of LKQ
M&A Cases of LKQ
Revenue, Net Income and Growth of LKQ, 2014-2018
LKQ’s Revenue by Region, 2016-2018
Revenue Structure of LKQ by Product, 2018
ELV Recovery Channels of LKQ
Policies on Recycling of Renewable Resources in China, 2010-2019
Recycling Quantity of Renewable Resources in China by Category, 2016-2018
Recycling Value of Renewable Resources in China, 2016-2018
Recycling Value Structure of Renewable Resources in China by Category, 2016-2018
Import of Major Renewable Resources in China, 2016-2018
Import Volume of Major Renewable Resources in China, 2016-2018
Export of Major Renewable Resources in China, 2016-2018
China's Export Volume of Major Renewable Resources, 2016-2018
Recycling Amount of Iron and Steel Scraps in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Nonferrous Metal Scrap in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Waste Plastics in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Waste Paper in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Waste Electrical and Electronic Products in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of End-of-Life Motor Vehicles in China, 2014-2018
Recycling of Waste Textiles in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Scrap Tire in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Waste Battery (Except Lead-acid Battery) in China, 2014-2018
Recycling Amount of Waste Glass in China, 2014-2018
Policies and Regulations on ELV & Dismantling Industry in China, 2001-2019
Output and Sales Volume of Automobile in China, 2011-2019
Output and Sales Volume of NEV in China, 2011-2019
Automobile Ownership Structure (by Category in China, 2018
Automobile Ownership in China, 2010-2018
Automobile Ownership in China by Region, 2018
Automobile Ownership Structure by Type in China, 2018
Automobile Ownership Structure by Fuel Type in China, 2018
Automobile Ownership Structure by Emission Standard in China, 2018
Development History of ELV & Dismantling Industry in China
Service Life of Main Vehicles in China
Implementation Schedule of China New Motor Vehicle Emission Standards, 1999-2020
Scrapping Quantity of ELV in China, 2007-2018
China’s Car Scrap Rate, 2010-2018
Recycling Number and Growth of ELV in China, 2015-2019
Recycling Number of ELV by Category in China, 2015-2019
Recycling Rate of ELV in China, 2011-2019
Unit Recycling Price of ELV in China, 2011-2019
China Automobile Recycling Value, 2011-2019
Related ELV& Dismantling Companies in China
Revenue Comparison of Major ELV& Dismantling Companies, 2013-2019
Net Income Comparison of Major ELV& Dismantling Companies, 2013-2019
Comparison of Subsidies on ELV in China and USA
Material Structure of Scrapped Sedan
Waste Materials Price of Scrapped Sedan in China, May 14, 2018
Single Car Dismantling Economic Calculation before Five Assemblies Remanufacturing was Allowed
Single Car Dismantling Economic Calculation after Five Assemblies Remanufacturing was Allowed
Output Value of Automobile Recycling Industry in China, 2018-2025E
Automobile Ownership in China, 2018-2025E
Scrapping Quantity of ELV in China, 2018-2025E
China’s Car Scrap Rate, 2018-2025E
Recycling Number of ELV in China, 2018-2025E
Recycling Rate of ELV in China, 2018-2025E
Revenue and Net Income of GEM, 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of GEM by Product, 2016-2019
Revenue Structure of GEM by Product, 2016-2019
Gross Margin of GEM, 2012-2019
Revenue from Waste Electronics and ELV& Dismantling Business of GEM, 2016-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Huahong Technology, 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Huahong Technology by Business, 2014-2019
Revenue Structure of Huahong Technology by Business, 2014-2019
Gross Margin of Huahong Technology by Business, 2014-2019
Major Clients of Miracle Automation
Revenue and Net Income of Miracle Automation, 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Miracle Automation by Product, 2014-2017
Revenue Structure of Miracle Automation by Product, 2014-2017
Revenue Breakdown of Miracle Automation by Segment, 2018-2019
Gross Margin of Miracle Automation by Product, 2014-2017
Gross Margin of Miracle Automation by Product, 2018-2019
Revenue from Circulation Segment of Miracle Automation, 2014-2019
Financial Data of ELV & Dismantling Subsidiary of Miracle Automation, 2019H1
Revenue and Net Income of Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead, 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead by Product, 2014-2019
Revenue Structure of Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead by Product, 2014-2019
Gross Margin of Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Ye Chiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd., 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Ye Chiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd. by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Ye Chiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd. by Product, 2014-2018
Gross Margin of Ye Chiu Metal Recycling (China) Ltd. by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue and Net Income of Tus-Sound Environmental Resources, 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Tus-Sound Environmental Resources by Product, 2014-2019
Revenue Structure of Tus-Sound Environmental Resources by Product, 2014-2019
Gross Margin of Tus-Sound Environmental Resources by Product, 2014-2019
Tus-Sound Environmental Resources’ Scrapped Car Related Subsidiaries and Its Equity Ratio in Them
Tus-Sound Environmental Resources’ Revenue from Renewable Resource Recycling Business and % of Total Revenue, 2015-2019
Revenue and Net Income of Beijing Capital, 2009-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Beijing Capital by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Beijing Capital by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Beijing Capital by Region, 2014-2018
Revenue Structure of Beijing Capital by Region, 2014-2018
Gross Margin of Beijing Capital by Product, 2014-2018
Revenue, Proportion and Gross Margin of Waste Electronic Products and ELV & Dismantling of Beijing Capital, 2016-2018
Equity Structure of Shanghai Xinzhuang Auto Dismantling Co., Ltd.
Financial Data of Shanghai Baosteel Dismantling Co., Ltd., 2015-2017
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