Global and China Automotive Wheel Industry Report, 2020-2025
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As an essential part of motor vehicle, the demand for wheels is bound up with the development of automotive sector. Chinese automobile industry was on the wane in 2018 and 2019, showing negative growth in production and sales. In 2019, 25.721 million automobiles were produced and 25.769 million ones sold in China, a year-on-year decrease of 7.5% and 8.2% respectively, and the demand for wheels reached 260 million units, up 5.43% on an annualized basis, according to the data from Chinese Association of Automobile Manufacturers. It is forecasted that China’s demand for wheels will present an upward mobility in the next few years and be ahead to 284 million units in 2025, a CAGR of about 1.5% between 2019 and 2025.

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By material, automotive wheels can be bifurcated into steel wheel and aluminum wheel, of which the former gets used mainly for commercial vehicle and cross passenger car, while the latter is found in passenger car and some light commercial vehicle. In 2019, China’s demand for steel wheel edged down 0.34% from a year ago to 64.31 million units (including 38.12 million units for OEM, 14.42 million units for aftermarket, and 11.70 million units for export); and that for aluminum wheel stood at 196 million units (96.01 million units for OEM, 23.02 million units for aftermarket, and 76.71 million units for export) and took a tumble of 6.99% year on year. With changes in the Chinese automobile market, the wheel OEM market will see weak growth whilst the aftermarket and the export market are becoming the niches.

The OEM demand sweeps the largest share and only a few competitive wheel manufacturers rule the roost. For instance, the eight players like CITIC Dicastal, Lizhong Wheel, Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel and Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel hold a combined 60.2% share of the aluminum wheel industry. Constrained by such factors as production scale, technical strength and brand recognition, the majority of Chinese auto wheel producers with cost advantage are scrambling to supply for some low-end vehicles and the aftermarket (incl. export market) and they are in the dry tree.

Global and China Automotive Wheel Industry Report, 2020-2025 highlights the following:
20120114.gifAutomotive wheel industry (definition, classification, development tendencies, policies, etc.);
20120114.gifGlobal and China automobile industry (production and sales, automobile ownership, etc.);
20120114.gifGlobal and China automotive wheel industry (demand, regional analysis, supply relation, import & export, etc.);
20120114.gifGlobal and China automotive wheel market segments (steel wheel, aluminum wheel), involving market size, competitive landscape, development tendencies, etc.);
20120114.gifSix foreign giants (Iochpe-Maxion, CHUO SEIKI, ENKEI, SII, Borbet, RONAL), nine Chinese aluminum wheel manufacturers (such as CITIC Dicastal, Lizhong Wheel, Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel, Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel, Zhejiang Yueling, Shanghai MingQi Aluminium Industry, Lioho Group, Donlinks Group) and five Chinese steel wheel producers (Dongfeng Motor Wheel, Zhengxing Wheel, Changchun Faway Automobile Components, Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems, Zhejiang Jingu), covering profile, financials, hit products, R&D, technical characteristics, the distribution of production bases, among others.

1. Overview of Automotive Wheel
1.1 Definition and Classification
1.2 Industry Chain
1.3 Development Trend
1.4 Industry Policy

2. Global Automobile Market
2.1 Global Automotive Market
2.1.1 Sales
2.1.2 Output
2.2 Global Automakers
2.2.1 Volkswagen
2.2.2 Toyota
2.2.3 GM
2.2.4 Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi
2.2.5 Hyundai-Kia

3. Chinese Automobile Market and Industry
3.1 Overview of Chinese Automotive Market
3.1.1 Market Size
3.1.2 Pattern
3.2 Sales of Typical Chinese Automakers

4. Global Wheel Market and Industry
4.1 Global Aluminum Wheel Market
4.2 Geographical Pattern of Aluminum Wheel
4.3 Supporting Relation between Aluminum Wheel Makers and Automakers
4.4 Global Automotive Wheel Import & Export

5. Chinese Wheel Market and Industry
5.1 Overall
5.2 China Aluminum Wheel Industry
5.2.1 Market Size
5.2.2 Competitive Landscape
5.3 Steel Wheel Industry in China
5.3.1 Market Size
5.3.2 Competitive Pattern
5.4 China’s Wheel Import & Export
5.4.1 Overall
5.4.2 Ranking by Export
5.4.3 Export by Nation
5.4.4 Export by Province

6. Foreign Wheel Manufacturers
6.1 Iochpe-Maxion
6.1.1 Profile
6.1.2 Operation
6.1.3 Revenue Structure
6.1.4 Major Customers
6.2.1 Profile
6.2.2 Presence in China
6.3.1 Profile
6.3.2 Operation
6.3.3 Presence in China
6.4 SII
6.4.1 Profile
6.4.2 Operation
6.4.3 Revenue Structure
6.4.4 Shipments
6.4.5 Supporting
6.4.6 Global Presence
6.5 Borbet
6.5.1 Profile
6.5.2 Global Presence
6.6.1 Profile
6.6.2 Major Customers
6.7 YHI
6.7.1 Profile
6.7.2 Operation
6.7.3 Revenue Structure
6.7.4 Capacity Distribution
6.8 TOPY
6.8.1 Profile
6.8.2 Operation
6.8.3 Revenue Structure
6.8.4 Capacity Distribution
6.8.5 Presence in China

7. Aluminum Wheel Enterprises
7.1 CITIC Dicastal
7.1.1 Profile
7.1.2 Operation
7.1.3 Sales Volume
7.1.4 Main Products
7.1.5 Major Customers
7.2 Lizhong Wheel
7.2.1 Profile
7.2.2 Major Customers
7.2.3 Major Subsidiaries
7.2.4 Dynamics
7.3 Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel Co., Ltd.
7.3.1 Profile
7.3.2 Operation
7.3.3 Revenue Structure
7.3.4 Output and Sales
7.3.5 Main Products and Customers
7.3.6 Major Subsidiaries
7.3.7 Dynamics
7.4 Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel
7.4.1 Profile
7.4.2 Operation
7.4.3 Revenue Structure
7.4.4 Major Customers
7.4.5 Major Subsidiaries
7.5 Zhejiang Yueling Co., Ltd.
7.5.1 Profile
7.5.2 Operation
7.5.3 Revenue Structure
7.5.4 Output and Sales
7.6 Shanghai MingQi Aluminium Industry
7.6.1 Profile
7.6.2 Major Subsidiaries
7.7 Lioho Group
7.7.1 Profile
7.7.2 Companies Based in Mainland China
7.8 Donlinks Group
7.8.1 Profile
7.8.2 Capacity Distribution and Major Subsidiaries
7.9 Sheng Wang Auto Parts

8. Steel Wheel Enterprises
8.1 Dongfeng Motor Wheel
8.1.1 Profile
8.1.2 Operation
8.1.3 Production Base
8.2 Zhengxing Wheel
8.2.1 Profile
8.2.2 Operation
8.2.3 Revenue Structure
8.2.4 Main Products
8.2.5 Capacity Distribution
8.2.6 Sales Channels
8.2.7 Major Subsidiaries
8.3 Changchun Faway Automobile Components
8.3.1 Profile
8.3.2 Operation
8.3.3 Revenue Structure
8.3.4 Output and Sales
8.3.5 Capacity Distribution and Major Subsidiaries
8.4 Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group)
8.4.1 Profile
8.4.2 Operation
8.4.3 Revenue Structure
8.4.4 Output and Sales
8.4.5 Major Customers
8.4.6 Capacity Distribution and Major Subsidiaries
8.5 Zhejiang Jingu
8.5.1 Profile
8.5.2 Operation
8.5.3 Revenue Structure
8.5.4 Output and Sales
8.5.5 Capacity Distribution and Major Subsidiaries
Structure Diagram of Typical Automotive Wheel
Advantages and Disadvantages of Aluminum Wheel and Steel Wheel
Diagram of Automobile Industry Chain
Diagram of Upstream Sectors of Typical Aluminum Wheel
Diagram of Downstream Sectors of Typical Steel Wheel
Global Automotive Output, 2012-2025E
Global Automotive Output, 2012-2025E
Automobile Ownership in China, 2014-2025E
Automobile Sales Volume and Growth in China, 2012-2025E
Passenger Car Sales Volume in China, 2010-2019
Commercial Vehicle Sales Volume in China, 2010-2019
Top10 Passenger Car Manufacturers by Sales Volume in China, 2019
Sales Volume Structure of Passenger Car by Country in China, 2019
Auto Sales of BYD by Brand, 2019
Auto Sales of Great Wall by Brand, 2019
Auto Sales of Geely by Brand, 2019
Auto Sales of GAC Motor, 2018-2019
Global Sedan Output and Aluminum Wheel Penetration, 2010-2019
Global Aluminum Wheel Shipments, 2010-2019
Global Aluminum Wheel Market Size, 2010-2019
Shipment of Global Aluminum Wheel Industry by Region, 2019
Global Output of Aluminum Wheel by Region, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of Toyota, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of Honda, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of Nissan, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of GM, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of Ford, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of Volkswagen, 2019
Major Aluminum Wheel Supplier Structure of Hyundai, 2019
Global Automotive Wheel Import Structure, 2017
China’s Output of Automotive Wheel, 2014-2025E
Domestic Demand for Aluminum Automotive Wheel in China, 2014-2025E
China’s Exports of Aluminum Automotive Wheel, 2014-2025E
China’s Aggregate Demand for Aluminum Automotive Wheel, 2014-2025E
Market Share of Major China Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers, 2019
Domestic Demand for Steel Automotive Wheel in China, 2014-2025E
China’s Aggregate Demand for Steel Automotive Wheel in China, 2014-2025E
Market Share of Major China Steel Wheel Manufacturers, 2019
Revenue and Gross Margin of Iochpe-Maxion, 2013-2019
Revenue of Iochpe-Maxion, 2019
Revenue of Iochpe-Maxion by Business and by Region, 2017-2018
Revenue of Iochpe-Maxion by Business and by Region, 2019
Revenue Structure of Iochpe-Maxion by Product, 2019
Passenger Car and Light Commercial Vehicle Customers of Maxion Wheels
Commercial Vehicle Customers of Maxion Wheel
Agricultural Machinery and Non-road Vehicle Customers of Maxion Wheels
Revenue of Iochpe-Maxion by Customer, 2019
Basic Information of Enkei Aluminium Products (China) Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Enkei -Zhongnan Aluminium (Guang Dong) Co., Ltd.
Global Footprints of CHUO SEIKI
Revenue of CMW, FY2014-FY2018
Revenue Breakdown of CMW by Product, FY2017
Basic Information of Central Motor Wheel of Guangzhou Co., Ltd.
Revenue and Net Income of SII, 2012-2019
Revenue Structure of SII by Customer, 2019H1
Revenue Structure of SII by Region, 2019
Shipments and Growth Rate of SII, 2010-2017
Core Customers of SII
Auto Models Carrying SII’s Products
Global Presence of SII
Global Presence of BORBET
Major Customers of RONAL
Revenue and Net Income of YHI, 2012-2019
Revenue Breakdown of YHI by Business, 2014-2018
Revenue Breakdown of YHI by Region, 2014-2018
Revenue Breakdown of YHI by Country/Region, 2017-2018
Automotive Wheel Capacity of YHI
Organizational Structure of TOPY
Revenue and Net Income of TOPY, FY2014-FY2020
Revenue Structure of TOPY by Business, FY2019
Major Automotive Wheel Products of TOPY
Global Footprints of TOPY
Global Wheel Production Bases of TOPY
Basic Information of Fujian Topy Autoparts Co., Ltd.
Revenue and Net Profit Margin of CITIC Dicastal, 2013-2018
Revenue Breakdown of CITIC Dicastal by Region, 2018
Automotive Wheel Sales and Growth Rate of CITIC Dicastal, 2013-2018
Major Products of CITIC Dicastal
Automotive Wheel Development Process of CITIC Dicastal
Major Customers of CITIC Dicastal
Lizhong Wheel’s Top Customers
Lizhong Wheel Sales Distribution
Major Subsidiaries of Lizhong Wheel, 2018
Basic Information of Baoding Lizhong Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Supporting)
Basic Information of Qinhuangdao Lizhong Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Supporting)
Basic Information of Baotou Shengtai Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Supporting)
Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel, 2015-2019
Revenue of Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel by Region and by Products, 2016-2019
Automotive Wheel Output & Sales of Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel, 2017-2018
Main Automotive Wheels of Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel
Major Customers for Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel’s Automotive Wheels
Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel’s Revenue from Top5 Customers and % of Total Revenue, 2018
Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel’s Revenue from Top5 Suppliers for Automotive Wheel Business and Percentage, 2018
Major Subsidiaries of Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel, 2018
Basic Information of Zhejiang Jintai Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Capacity)
Basic Information of Guizhou Jinfei Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Capacity)
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel, 2013-2019
Revenue and Gross Margin of Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel by Business, 2018-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel by Product, 2018-2019
Wheel Revenue of Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel by Region, 2017-2019
Major Customers of Zhejiang Wanfeng Auto Wheel
Basic Information of Weihai Wanfeng Aowei Auto Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Capacity)
Basic Information of Ningbo Aoweier Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Capacity)
Basic Information of Jilin Wanfeng Aowei Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Capacity)
Basic Information of Chongqing Wanfeng Aowei Aluminum Alloy Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information and Capacity)
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Yueling, 2013-2019
Revenue and Gross Margin of Zhejiang Yueling's Major Products, 2017-2019
Revenue Breakdown of Zhejiang Yueling by Business, 2017-2019
Automotive Wheel Output, Sales and Inventory of Zhejiang Yueling, 2015-2018
Changes in Automotive Wheel Capacity of Zhejiang Yueling, 2015&2019
Basic Information of MingQi Aluminum Wheels Yi Zheng Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Kunshan Liufeng Machinery Industry Co., Ltd (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Lioho Light Metal (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Hunan Changfeng Lioho Aluminum/Magnesium Products Co., Ltd. (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Guangzhou Dongling Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Guangzhou Wheelhorse Asahi Aluminum Casting Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Guangzhou Dicastal Asahi Aluminum Casting Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Guangzhou Asahi-dong Casting Research and Development Co., Ltd.
Revenue and Net Income of Dongfeng Motor Wheel, 2013-2017
Main Bases of Dongfeng Motor Wheel
Organizational Structure of Zhengxing Wheel
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Zhengxing Wheel, 2013-2019
Revenue of Zhengxing Wheel by Category of Customers, 2016-2018
Revenue Breakdown of Zhengxing Wheel by Product, 2016-2018
Major Customers of Zhengxing Wheel, 2018
Revenue of Zhengxing Wheel by Region, 2016-2018
Main Products of Zhengxing Wheel
Zhengxing Wheel’s Production Technology for Commercial Vehicle Wheel
Regional Distribution of Zhengxing Wheel, End of 2018
Zenix’s Capacity Distribution for Main Products, 2018
Sales Channels of Zhengxing Wheel, 2016-2018
Basic Information of Zhengxing Group Chengdu Wheel Co., Ltd (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Zhengxing Group Benxi Wheel Co., Ltd. (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Zhengxing Group Langfang Wheel Co., Ltd. (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Zhengxing Group Hefei Wheel Co., Ltd. (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Hua'an Zhengxing Wheel Co., Ltd. (Capacity, etc.)
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Changchun Faway Automobile Components, 2014-2019
Revenue and Gross Margin of Changchun Faway Automobile Components by Product, 2017-2018
Revenue and Gross Margin of Changchun Faway Automobile Components by Region, 2017-2018
Output and Sales of Changchun Faway Automobile Components’ Main Products, 2018
Basic Information of Changchun Faway Automobile Components Foshan Wheel Branch (Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Changchun Faway Automobile Components Chengdu Wheel Branch (Capacity, etc.)
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group), 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group) by Product, 2015-2019
Revenue Structure of Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group) by Region, 2015-2019
Steel Automotive Wheel Output, Sales and Inventory of Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group), 2016-2018
Customers of Xingmin Intelligent Transportation Systems (Group)
Basic Information of Tangshan Xingmin Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information, Capacity, etc.)
Basic Information of Xianning Xingmin Wheel Co., Ltd. (Financial Information, Capacity, etc.)
Operating Revenue and Net Income of Zhejiang Jingu, 2013-2019
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Jingu by Product, 2015-2019
Revenue Structure of Zhejiang Jingu by Region, 2015-2019
Steel Automotive Wheel Output, Sales and Inventory of Zhejiang Jingu, 2016-2018
Basic Information of Zhejiang Shilun Industry Co. Ltd.
Basic Information of Chengdu Jingu Wheel Co., Ltd.
Basic Information of Shandong Jingu Auto Parts Company Limited
Policies on Automotive Wheel in China in Recent Years
Global Auto Sales by Country/Region, 2012-2018
TOP 20 Countries by Automotive Sales, 2018
Global Auto Sales by Country/Region, 2012-2018
TOP 20 Countries by Automotive Output, 2018
Global Vehicle Sales of Volkswagen Group, 2018-2019
Sales Volume of Toyota’s Major Car Brands, 2009-2019
Sales Volume of GM's Major Car Brands, 2018-2019
Global Markets Sales Volume of Renault, 2019
Global Markets Sales Volume of Nissan, 2019
Global Markets Sales Volume of Mitsubishi, 2014-2019
Global Sales Volume of Hyundai-Kia, 2019
Automobile Output in China, 2010-2025E
Passenger Car Production and Sales by Type in China, 2018-2019
Top10 Passenger Car Brands by Sales Volume in China, 2019
Global Automotive Wheel Exports, 2001-2017
Aluminum Automotive Wheel for OEM in China, 2014-2025E
Aluminum Automotive Wheel for AM in China, 2014-2025E
Capacity of Major China Aluminum Wheel Manufacturers, 2017
Steel Automotive Wheel for OEM in China, 2014-2025E
Steel Automotive Wheel for AM in China, 2014-2025E
China’s Import & Export of Automotive Wheel, 2012-2018
Monthly Export of Aluminum Alloy Automotive Wheel in China, 2018-2019
Top 10 Exporters of Aluminum Alloy Automotive Wheel in China, 2019
Top 10 Destinations of Exported Aluminum Alloy Automotive Wheel from China, 2019
Export of Aluminum Alloy Automotive Wheel from China by Province, 2019

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Research on automotive smart surface: "Plastic material + touch solution" has become mainstream, and sales of smart surface models soared by 105.1% year on year In this report, smart surface refers t...

China Automotive Multimodal Interaction Development Research Report, 2024

Multimodal interaction research: AI foundation models deeply integrate into the cockpit, helping perceptual intelligence evolve into cognitive intelligence China Automotive Multimodal Interaction Dev...

Automotive Vision Industry Report, 2024

Automotive Vision Research: 90 million cameras are installed annually, and vision-only solutions lower the threshold for intelligent driving. The cameras installed in new vehicles in China will hit 90...

Automotive Millimeter-wave (MMW) Radar Industry Report, 2024

Radar research: the pace of mass-producing 4D imaging radars quickens, and the rise of domestic suppliers speeds up. At present, high-level intelligent driving systems represented by urban NOA are fa...

Chinese Independent OEMs’ ADAS and Autonomous Driving Report, 2024

OEM ADAS research: adjust structure, integrate teams, and compete in D2D, all for a leadership in intelligent driving  In recent years, China's intelligent driving market has experienced escala...

Research Report on Overseas Layout of Chinese Passenger Car OEMs and Supply Chain Companies, 2024

Research on overseas layout of OEMs: There are sharp differences among regions. The average unit price of exports to Europe is 3.7 times that to Southeast Asia. The Research Report on Overseas Layou...

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