Global and China Automotive Operating System (OS) Industry Report, 2021
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Automotive OS Research: Automotive OS Is Highly Competitive

Automotive OS has always been complicated and dazzling.

A year ago, ResearchInChina classified "Automotive OS" into four types:
1) Basic Auto OS: it refers to base auto OS such as AliOS, QNX, Linux, including all base components like system kernel, underlying driver and virtual machine.
2) Custom-made Auto OS: it is deeply developed and tailored on the basis of basic OS (together with OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers) to eventually bring cockpit system platform or automated driving system platform into a reality. Examples are Baidu in-car OS and VW.OS.
3) ROM Auto OS: Customized development is based on Android (or Linux), instead of changing system kernel. MIUI is the typical system applied in mobile phone. Benz, BMW, NIO, XPeng and CHJ Automotive often prefer to develop ROM auto OS.
4) Super Auto APP (also called phone mapping system) refers to a versatile APP integrating map, music, voice, sociality, etc. to meet car owners’ needs. Examples are Carlife and CarPlay.

However, profound changes have taken place in the Automotive OS field so far. In this report, we classified Automotive OS from another perspective.

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Many Automotive OS vendors have started from IVI OS, with the technological evolution: IVI OS-->Cockpit OS -->Vehicle OS. They are expected to head toward Vehicle OS after 2024.

In 2020, Banma SmartDrive proposed the evolution route of AliOS, namely Smart IVI OS-->Smart Cockpit OS -->Smart Vehicle OS.

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Based on Tencent's ecology, TINNOVE OS follows the technology roadmap from Cockpit OS to Vehicle OS that integrates the cockpit domain and the autonomous driving domain.

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Through the "open" and "ecological" approach, TINNOVE OS transfers Tencent’s ecosystem to the system and OEMs. At present, it has cooperated with Changan Automobile, Audi, Chery JETOUR, Ford and other brands. TINNOVE OS has been installed in more than a dozen models like Changan CS75Plus, UNI-T, CS35Plus and CS85 COUPE. Phoenix Auto Intelligence has recently reached in-depth cooperation with Qualcomm, and SemiDrive, etc.

Autonomous Driving OS and Domain Controllers Are Integrated to Be Autonomous Driving Computing Platform

With the popularity of software-defined vehicles and domain controllers, automakers, Tier1 suppliers and core chip vendors have been all making layout from the perspective of platforms and ecology.

Autonomous driving computing platform providers not only lay out Autonomous Driving OS, but also launch domain controllers, and build ecosystems based on computing platforms consisting of Autonomous Driving OS and domain controllers. With these autonomous driving platforms, OEMs and autonomous driving integrators no longer have to deal directly with the underlying operating system and chips, which can greatly simplify the development process and shorten the product cycle.

Neusoft Reach and AICC are typical autonomous driving computing platform providers.

Neusoft Reach’s next-generation autonomous driving computing platform includes the software platform NeuSAR3.0, the all-in-one X-Cube3.0 for ADAS, and the autonomous driving domain controller X-Box 3.0. In October 2021, Neusoft Reach was invested by SDIC and Virtue Capital with a total of RMB650 million.

In February 2021, AICC released the intelligent driving computing platform "Intelligent Vehicle Basic Brain" (iVBB) 1.0, including intelligent connected vehicle operation system (ICVOS), intelligent vehicle domain hardware (ICVHW), and intelligent connected vehicle-edge-cloud basic software (ICVEC). It features rapid application development, platformization, connectivity, scalability and compliance with automotive regulations.

Automotive OS investment soars, and market competition becomes fierce

In March 2021, Evergrande New Energy Vehicle and Phoenix Auto Intelligence signed an agreement to invest 60% and 40% respectively in establishing an operating system joint venture.

In July 2021, the veteran shareholders Alibaba Group, SAIC Group, SDIC, and Yunfeng Capital jointly injected RMB3 billion into Banma SmartDrive for further R&D and promotion of intelligent vehicle OS.

In June 2021, AICC the completed the angel financing of nearly RMB100 million. In October 2021, AICC raised hundreds of millions of yuan in the pre-A round of financing.

The background of the above three companies: Phoenix Auto Intelligence is backed up by Tencent, Alibaba is behind Banma SmartDrive, and AICC is supported by CICV (invested by more than a dozen traditional OEMs and Tier1 suppliers). Plus Baidu and Huawei, which are aggressive in the Automotive OS market, all players are powerful.

The competition in automotive computing platforms, including operating systems, is essentially ecological competition. Who can win the support of more software developers, component companies, service operators, etc. will dominate the future autonomous driving.

1. Overview of Automotive OS
1.1 Definition and Classification of Automotive OS
1.2 Vehicle EEA Promotes the Development of Automotive OS 
1.3 Automotive OS Market Growth
1.4 Traditional OEMs enhance the Development of Automotive Software Development 
1.5 Main Features of OS of Domestic Traditional OEMs
1.6 Main Features of OS of Domestic Emerging Automotive Brands
1.7 Main Features of OS of International OEMs
1.8 Basic Automotive OS 
1.8.1 Profile 
1.8.2 Automotive Intelligent Computing Platform Architecture 
1.8.3 Automotive Underlying OS Market Share
1.9 Customized OS 
1.9.1 Profile 
1.9.2 Comparison of Customized Automotive OS 
1.9.3 Chip Vendors and Customized OS Partners
1.10 ROM OS 
1.11 Automotive Mobile Phone Mapping System
1.12 Hypervisor
1.12.1 Profile 
1.12.2 Hypervisor Becomes the Inevitable Choice
1.12.3 Hypervisor Comparison  
1.13 Autonomous Driving Hardware Platform and Autonomous Driving OS 
1.14 Automotive OS Standard: OSEK 
1.15 Automotive OS Open Organization: GENIVI (Renamed COVESA)
1.15.1 Profile  
1.15.2 Members
1.15.3 Main Achievements
1.15.4 Examples of Achievements  
1.15.5 Main Roles  
1.15.6 Development Dynamics: GENIVI Has Been Renamed COVESA (Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance)
1.16 Automotive OS Open Organization: AUTOSAR
1.16.1 Profile 
1.16.2 Development History 
1.16.3 More Than 280 Members in Total
1.16.4 Classic AutoSAR Architecture 
1.16.5 Adaptive AutoSAR Architecture
1.16.6 Comparison of Classic and Adaptive AutoSAR
1.16.7 Integrated Application of Adaptive AutoSAR and ROS
1.16.8 Core of AutoSAR
1.16.9 Architecture of AutoSAR China  
1.16.9 Cases of AutoSAR China
1.17 Automotive OS Open Organization: Autoware Foundation
1.17.1 Profile 
1.17.2 Nearly 40 Members
1.17.3 Autoware Foundation Dynamics 

2. Basic Automotive OS and Enterprises
2.1 QNX
2.1.1 Profile 
2.1.2 Business 
2.1.3 Neutrino RTOS
2.1.4 Platforms Supported by Neutrino RTOS
2.1.5 Automotive Application 
2.1.6 Cockpit Software Platform Solution 
2.1.7 Platform for ADAS
2.1.8 Partners 
2.1.9 Dynamics in the Automotive Sector 
2.2 AGL
2.2.1 Profile 
2.2.2 Architecture 
2.2.3 Iteration
2.2.4 Cooperative OEMs
2.2.5 Member Units
2.2.6 Dynamics
2.3 Android 
2.3.1 Android & Android Automotive OS
2.3.2 Automotive Users of Android Automotive OS  
2.3.3 Automotive Users of Android 
2.3.4 Latest Dynamics of Android Automotive OS
2.4 AliOS
2.4.1 Profile 
2.4.2 Three-step OS Evolution Strategy
2.4.3 OS Architecture 
2.4.3 Intelligent Cockpit OS 
2.4.4 Internet Car Solution - Panorama 
2.4.4 Shared Mobility Solution - Panorama 
2.4.4 Shared Mobility Solution - Technology System
2.4.4 Shared Mobility Services 
2.4.5 Major Customers 
2.4.6 Dynamics in the Automotive Sector 
2.5 webOS
2.5.1 Development History 
2.5.2 OSE Components and Development roadmap
2.5.3 Integration with AGL
2.5.4 Dynamics in the Automotive Sector 
2.6 Huawei Automotive OS 
2.6.1 Profile 
2.6.2 HOS OS and Cockpit OS 
2.6.3 Cooperation Models between HOS OS and Automakers
2.6.4 HiCar: The Second-generation Mobile Phone IVI Interconnection System
2.6.5 AOS: Compliance with Automotive Regulations, AI Native Development Library
2.6.6 VOS: Centralized Development of ECUs Is Easier
2.6.7 Cross-domain Integration Software Framework Vehicle Stack
2.7 VxWorks
2.7.1 Profile 
2.7.2 Wind River  
2.7.3Main Partners in the Automotive Sector
2.7.4 Wind River’s Dynamics in the Automotive Sector 
2.8 Integrity
2.8.1 Profile 
2.8.2 Middleware and Platform
2.8.3 Safety
2.8.4 Stability
2.9 Ubuntu
2.9.1 Profile 
2.9.2 Historical Versions
2.9.3 Application 
2.9.4 Cooperation in the Automotive Sector 
2.10 ROS
2.10.1 Profile 
2.10.2 ROS 2.0 
2.10.3 Iteration 
2.10.4 Architecture 
2.10.4 Computation Graph Level Architecture 
2.10.5Automotive Application  
2.11 Newstart
2.11.1 Profile  
2.11.2 Development History  
2.11.3 Cockpit Solution 
2.11.4 Application Cases 

3. Customized Automotive OS
3.1 Baidu Automotive OS
3.1.1 Baidu Apollo
3.1.2 Profile of DuerOS
3.1.2 Functions of DuerOS
3.1.2 Application Scenarios and Customers of DuerOS
3.1.3 Cooperation Cases of DuerOS
3.1.4 Apollo 
3.1.5 Cooperation Cases of Apollo 
3.1.6 Apollo 2020
3.2 Qing OS
3.2.1 Profile 
3.2.2 Functions 
3.2.3 Application Cases 
3.2.3 Cooperation Projects  
3.3 Phoenix Auto Intelligence 
3.3.1 Profile 
3.3.2 Development History 
3.3.3 R&D /Technology and Layout 
3.3.4 Core Technology and Main Products 
3.3.5 TINNOVE OpenOS
3.3.5 TINNOVE 3.0   
3.3.6 Major Customers and Cases 
3.3.7 Products and Technology Roadmap 
3.3.8 Development Strategy and Planning
3.4 Mushroom OS
3.4.1 Profile 
3.4.2 Products and Services 
3.4.3 Customers and Partners 
3.5 Apex.AI
3.5.1 Profile  
3.5.2 Features of Apex.OS
3.5.3 Application Scenarios and Services of Apex.OS
3.6  AICC  
3.6.1 Profile 
3.6.2 AICC Promotes Automotive OS Standards
3.6.3 ICVOS: Intelligent Connected Vehicle OS 
3.6.4 ICVOS: Software Architecture 
3.6.4 ICVOS: Development Architecture 
3.6.4 ICVOS: SDK Architecture 
3.6.4 ICVOS: Platformization, Connectivity, Scalability
3.6.4 ICVOS: Vehicle-cloud Collaboration
3.6.4 ICVOS: Information Security Basic Platform
3.7 VW.OS
3.7.1 Profile 
3.7.2 Development History 
3.7.3 Software Layout 
3.7.4 Roadmap 
3.7.5 The Proportion of Self-developed Software Will Increase to 60%
3.8 Tesla: Cloud OS 
3.9 NVIDIA: Provide Customized Development Based on Drive OS 
3.10 Bosch: Construct A New OS Architecture based on Controller Hardware  
3.11 Toyota Arene OS
3.11.1 Profile 
3.11.2 Ecological Resources

4. Hypervisor 
4.1 Profile 
4.1.1 What Is Hypervisor
4.1.2 Hypervisor Comparison
4.2 QNX Hypervisor
4.2.1 Profile  
4.2.2 Features  
4.3 ACRN
4.3.1 Profile 
4.3.2 Structure
4.4 COQOS Hypervisor 
4.4.1 Profile
4.4.2 SDK
4.4.3 Mixed VIRTIO / Non-VIRTIO Architectures
4.4.4 “Next Gen COQOS” Heterogeneous Cores
4.5 PikeOS
4.6 EB Corbos Hypervisor 
4.7 Harman Device Virtualization
4.8 VOSYSmonitor
4.9 L4Re
4.10 Xen Project
4.11 Zhongling Zhixing

5. IVI Mobile Phone Mapping Software
5.1 CarPlay
5.1.1 Apple’s Car Development Progress
5.1.2 Apple’s Titan Project Management Architecture 
5.1.3 Profile of CarPlay
5.1.4 Split-screen Display of CarPlay
5.1.5 Automakers Using CarPlay
5.2 Android Auto
5.3 Carlife
5.3.1 Profile  
5.3.2 CarLife+ 
5.3.3 CarLife+ Some Cooperative Automakers  
5.4 MirrorLink
5.5 Hicar
5.5.1 Profile  
5.5.2 Partners 
5.6 EasyConnection 
5.6.1 Profile  
5.6.2 Users  
5.7 Qing Mobile
5.7.1 Profile  
5.7.2 Striking Functions 
5.8 SSP-Link

6. Automotive OS Solution Enterprises
6.1 Neusoft NeuSAR
6.1.1 Intelligent Connected Vehicle Business Layout 
6.1.2 Neusoft Deeply Customizes the System Architecture Based on Android
6.1.3 Profile of NeuSAR
6.1.4 Development Dynamics of NeuSAR
6.1.5 Software-defined Computing Solution
6.1.6 Core Platform for SDC Business 
6.1.7 Main Product: NeuSAR ACORE 
6.1.8 Software Architecture for SDV
6.1.9 Series Solutions for SDV
6.1.10 Basic Software Product: NeuSAR 3.0
6.2 ThunderSoft
6.2.1 Profile 
6.2.2 Development History 
6.2.3 OS Services 
6.2.4 Products 
6.2.5 OS Projects 
6.3 iSoft Infrastructure Software 
6.3.1 Profile  
6.3.2 Development History   
6.3.3 Products and Services  
6.4 ArcherMind 
6.4.1 Profile 
6.4.2 UOS  
6.4.3 Main Products: UOS Server OS 
6.4.3 Main Products: Automotive Electronics 


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