ZTE (SHE:000063, HKG:0763) Ranks No.5 in World Mobile-phone Mkt Shr


ZTE Corporation (SHE:000063, HKG:0763) shipped 17.1 million units of mobile phones worldwide in the fourth quarter of last year and had a market share of 4%, ranking number 5, in the quarter, IDC's data show. The fourth-ranking company, LG Electronics, had a market share of 4.1%.

In the fourth quarter, Nokia, Samsung and Apple shipped 113.5 million units (down 8.2% on year), 97.6 million units (up 20.9% on year) and 37 million units (up 128.4% on year) of mobile phones respectively, and had a market share of 26.6%, 22.8% and 8.7% respectively.


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